20 Things You Can Do Today To Secure Your Financial Future – CT Homes LLC
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20 Things You Can Do Today To Secure Your Financial Future

Tired of dreaming about a better financial future and reading about others achieving success? Here are twenty things you can do to make some solid progress in securing your financial future today:

Everyday someone else claims their financial independence. More often than not, real estate plays a big part in it. Perhaps you are still dreaming of buying your first house while someone is moving into the dream home you’ve had your eye on. Maybe another of your business contacts just packed up on a round-the-world trip, while you are struggling to meet the rent again. Perhaps you are already investing in real estate, but just haven’t bridged the financial gap to early retirement and freedom yet. Maybe it is your kids’ college tuition and having a reasonable nest egg built up to pass on that’s keeping you awake at night.

Wherever you are at, and wherever you want to go, you can get a better night sleep if you’ll just take a couple of simple actions towards financial freedom and investing in real estate more effectively today. Here are 20 insanely simple, huge disruptors, and smart moves that will help you go from small steps to giant leaps in financial security:

Buy a Book

There are plenty to choose from, from Peter Thiel’s new Zero to One, to The Wholesaling Bible. Books house an enormous amount of information, if you are willing to put in the time to read one.  Perhaps even more importantly, there is a book for just about every situation. It is up to you to open one.

Read Something

Pick up a financial book, real estate investing education course, or even some fiction. Spark some creativity in your brain and learn something new. Even a great blog post or two will do.

Save Money

No matter how little you’ve got, start saving. Start the good habit. Stash a dollar in a piggy bank or open an online banking account that will give you a monetary bonus to compound your efforts.

Get to Know Your Neighborhood

Drive your local neighborhoods, get to know the properties, and prepare yourself to scoop in and score deals fast when they come on the market.

Add LinkedIn Connections

Sometimes financial success is all about who you know. So jump on LinkedIn, spruce up your profile, add 5 new contacts and join a new group.

Make Offers on Properties

Slay the excuses and make 5 offers on properties. They could be income investment properties, a new home for you, a vacation home, or vacant lots. If money is tight, look for seller financed deals or pose your own terms. Just make them.

Sign up to Attend a Webinar

There are webinars on something virtually every week. Sign up and learn new tactics for making money or investing in real estate. Look for tips on rehabbing properties, investing your gains or even just upping your PPC advertising and Google Adwords real estate marketing skills.

Buy Tickets to an Event

Even if you are reading this at 2 am you can commit to making an improvement in your finances by securing tickets to a live event where you can learn and network with others.

Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign

If you are short on cash then launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money. There may be strategy and more effort involved in funding a sizable project or startup, but you can launch a campaign on Indiegogo or Go Fund Me, or GoGetFunding in just a few minutes.

Order Some Business Cards

While business cards might seem old school in a digital world they are still expected. Order them, and add some digital touches if you like. Just do it and get your new venture out there.

Give Out 10 Business Cards

If you’ve got business cards don’t go to sleep until you’ve put them in at least 10 new contact’s hands.

Follow 100 New People on Twitter

Following people on Twitter is one of the easiest ways to build an audience and reach new people. Following 100 new people and connecting to thousands more through them only takes a few minutes.

Email Your Mentors and Ask Them a Question

One of the best ways to learn from those that are already successful is to listen. What do you want to know most?

Open a Self-Directed IRA

Established a self-directed IRA which you can invest in real estate through and slash taxes.

Create a Plan

If you don’t have a plan odds are you are not getting very far very fast. You have to have direction. Even if you don’t have all the numbers to flesh out a fully-fledged real estate business or retirement plan yet, get the framework going.

Create a New Routine

Create a new morning success ritual and commit to sticking to it.

Invest in a New System

Invest in a new system that will put income on autopilot.

Hire Help

Hire assistants to remove you from active work and start enjoying passive income.

Launch that Website

If you’ll be needing a website on your journey, get it up. Register the domain name and at least get the home page up. It will help propel you forward.

Become Debt Free Today

Many of those reading this could become debt free today. Maybe you have an extra vehicle you could sell and cancel your debts and create an income surplus every month. Maybe it is time to short sell your house and buy another. Or just pay off those credit card bills and stop forking out outrageous rates of interest.

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