7 Real Estate Business Lessons From The New 300 Movie – CT Homes LLC
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7 Real Estate Business Lessons From The New 300 Movie

What real estate business lessons can be learned from the new film ‘300 Rise of the Empire?’

The new 3D sequel holds many lessons and tips for real estate investors, agents and business owners. So what takeaways are there for real estate professionals from this epic new Hollywood production?

1. Innovation

The Greeks were up against incredible odds in the latest installment of the 300 franchise. The only way that they were able to gain victories in these battles, or even hold out so long, was because of innovation. They weren’t just up against an overwhelming force of 3 to 1, or 100 to 1; they were facing 1,000 to one odds. This probably isn’t that different to what real estate investors and agents face in many markets today. So how can you leverage what you have and come up with ways to be more effective with it? Use innovative ways to separate yourself from the pack. Every advantage you can give yourself should be utilized.

2. Positivity

The Spartans and Greeks didn’t just innovate, they did it with incredible positivity. Facing not just larger numbers and better funded competitors, the Greeks looked at the challenge as a welcome one. They looked forward to the competition, as it would bring out the best in them. This absolutely helped keep up moral and made a huge difference in the gains made. In real estate, far too many assume it is always going to be a breeze and then freeze or run when it isn’t. Going in ready to be challenged and staying positive, no matter what, will go a long way in this industry.

3. Collaboration

In the most recent 300 movie, the Greeks finally collaborated and teamed up to take on the massive invading Persian force. This is an extremely important lesson for real estate agents, investors and CEOs. Instead of simply feeding off related businesses or trying to conquer other smaller players that may not really be a threat, perhaps more should be banding together to disrupt and throw off or drive bigger competitors out of their markets.

4. Everything is Possible

From the 300 Spartans at the ‘Hot Gates,’ to the Athenian navy in the bay, the theme remains that anything is possible. Let that be a lesson to anyone in the real estate industry. No matter how daunting a task may appear, there is always a way to realize it with the right approach. Take the time to educate yourself accordingly and you will be prepared to take on anything that comes your way.

5. Movies are Great

Whether you saw this movie or not, movies are great. Many real estate industry professionals spend far too little time going to the movies. They can be an incredible source of inspiration and provide much needed down time and quality time. So go see more movies and don’t feel guilty about taking the time away from the desk. It could be some of the most profitable time you spend each month.If movies aren’t your thing, be sure to get away. Some down time may be just what your business needs to get going again.

6. Add On and Up-Sell 

Movie tickets are often no longer the most expensive part of going to the movies any more. Between ‘convenience fees’ for buying tickets online, popcorn, and $6 bottles of water, there are millions being made on the side. For real estate professionals, this can come in the form of event tickets, advertising space and auxiliary services.

7. The Importance of Training

The Spartans were able to achieve so much because of intense and ongoing training. Whether a Realtor, real estate investor or executive, your results are only as good as your training. When was the last time you invested in it?

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