70 Ideas For Real Estate Blogs: Keep Your Content Fresh – CT Homes LLC
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70 Ideas For Real Estate Blogs: Keep Your Content Fresh

Where do real estate blog ideas come from? Need some ideas for your real estate blog? Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Here are seventy ideas to publish on your real estate blog.

Have more of your own? Let us know!

  1. List all of the most frequently asked questions your customers are likely to have
  2. Blog about local celebrity real estate
  3. Ask your Twitter followers what they want to know
  4. Ask your Facebook fans what they would like to see blogs on
  5. Blog around your ideal customers’ biggest fears
  6. Blog about your best customers’ biggest aspirations
  7. Create blogs incorporating today’s news headlines
  8. Create blog announcements about your companies advances and achievements
  9. Use what’s trending on Twitter to create blogs
  10. Put together directories in ‘listicle’ form for local and industry resources
  11. Blog about current and emerging mortgage trends
  12. Highlight community developments and social events
  13. Add reviews of local restaurants and activities
  14. Create photo blogs and slide shows of local real estate eye candy
  15. Create profiles of each of your team members
  16. Use Google Trends to find popular topics in online searches
  17. Use keyword tools to generate ideas around your core keywords
  18. Pose the question on your blog and solicit ideas from your readers
  19. Poll your subscribers and email lists and publish the results
  20. Post the most recent real estate statistics and your commentary
  21. Write about the perks of working for your company and list job openings
  22. Blog about new property listings for rent or sale
  23. Profile local historical properties
  24. Interview other local real estate professionals and business owners
  25. Ask other industry bloggers to publish their content on your blog or trade content
  26. Explain the advantages of title insurance
  27. Publish ways to save money on common real estate transaction related expenses
  28. Write on ways to save on regular ongoing housing expenses
  29. Ask all those direct mail services that slam new buyers to write on your blog instead
  30. Comment on new home design trends and materials
  31. Post how to piece on common DIY and home repair topics
  32. Alert homeowners to how they can better maintain homes
  33. Alert owners to best practices for preparing for disasters and recovering from them
  34. Raise awareness for local and favorite charities and nonprofit causes
  35. Blog on new real estate technology you are using or want feedback on
  36. Recruit someone just to come up with new blog topics for you
  37. Read more real estate blogs
  38. Read more blogs from other industries
  39. Provide commentary on how hit movies relate to your industry
  40. Ask your kids
  41. Ask your neighbors
  42. Provide commentary on the most popular blogs from other sites
  43. Answer questions being asked on popular online real estate forums
  44. Extend your most popular blogs of the past
  45. Use the latest video game titles as inspiration
  46. Provide insight into how credit scoring works and how to improve credit
  47. List all the reasons you are thankful for being involved in real estate
  48. Review your favorite international real estate destinations
  49. List all the reasons more people should buy, sell or rent in your area
  50. Reverse engineer posts after creating infographics
  51. Muse on where the future of real estate might go
  52. Muse on the future of your local area and how it might change
  53. Debate new developments being considered for your area
  54. Pass on positive self-improvement advice and tips from your favorite authors
  55. Publish a list of your favorite quotes
  56. List your employee’s favorite books
  57. Compile your list of favorite properties
  58. Profile local architecture
  59. Create lists of top Twitter accounts to follow
  60. Draft a list of potential future blog post topics and ask for votes on them
  61. Publish sports analogies and how they relate to real estate and your business
  62. Create contests, competitions and giveaways
  63. Offer the community ways to participate in your business i.e. designing t-shirt ideas
  64. Profile those that have inspired and helped you the most
  65. Advise people of the best local locations for their events such as business conferences, weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays
  66. Contrast your destination to other popular ones in real estate news headlines
  67. Blog about all of the benefits of your service or product
  68. Create community, city, region or state specific blogs about your service
  69. Create a blog about blogging ideas for your readers that may also be running into writers block
  70. Blog about how you’d like it make the world a better place, and what you are doing about it

Of course, if you’ve already exhausted this list, and don’t want to cycle through it again, you may always hire a professional real estate blogger to fill in the gaps. Have them pick up some of your slack, fill in for a couple months to give you a break, or come on full time so that you can focus on growing other areas of your business.

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