JD Esajian – Page 103 – CT Homes LLC
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JD Esajian
Pocket listings are trending upward as the housing market moves back to boom territory. A pocket listing is a property which is held off the public market and MLS. This is a marketing strategy that can have many advantages in a hot market.
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Where are the best places for business investments and buying real estate right now? It’s no secret that the benefits of real estate are magnified, for both investors and buyers/sellers, in geographic regions that have witnessed significant economic growth. So where are the best locations for buying a home right now?
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Businesses are currently on the move, and with them are an abundance of job and investment opportunities. Those in pursuit of a career, have therefore been forced to reassess their priorities. Does relocating really give them a better opportunity to succeed and be happy?
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Real estate investors who exhibit an enhanced degree of passion have given themselves a head start within their industry. True and uninhibited passion has the potential to release the best in everyone. Those who use it to their advantage will achieve more than they have ever dreamed of.
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Generating a relatively low asking price may be your best option. Creating a frenzy by underpricing, giving the appearance of a bargain, forcing bidding wars and increasing motivation can lead to a higher end price and net proceeds. Proper pricing strategies are imperative to the timely and lucrative sale of a house
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Self proclaimed real estate investing ‘gurus’ push the strategy of enlisting the assistance of numerous real estate agents. However, a lot of Realtors continue to frown on the vary notion of working with multiple agents and scare those contemplating the idea. Despite conflicting arguments, by enlisting the assistance of multiple real estate agents, prospective buyers...
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When flipping houses, selling homes, renting homes or even buying property; it is imperative to familiarize yourself with those who make up the pool of prospective housing markets. There is one niche housing group, primed for buying a home, that is currently being overlooked. Supplying houses to the homeless community may provide everyone involved with...
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What’s the most in demand home feature set to be from here through the next three years? For a variety of reasons from changing neighborhoods resulting in rising crime rates, there is a soaring demand for more security measures in housing today. For those flipping houses this signals one of the most important elements that...
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Does a new report really reveal that mortgage loans are becoming easier to get, or is it all just more hype? Ellie Mae, a mortgage origination software firm has released a new report suggesting that mortgage credit is becoming more accessible for those buying a home. So how much easier has it gotten since last...
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Does your real estate business have a plan to ensure business continuity? Having a business continuity plan is critical to the ongoing success of all real estate related businesses from real estate investing companies to brokerages, especially as we are fast heading into hurricane season again with expectations of an extremely active year. Whether you...
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