Do you know which cities boast the fastest selling homes? While bank owned REOs are flying of the shelves in hours and are creating fiercer battles than is expected over the new iPhone 5 other parts of the country still have homes sitting on the market from 2005.Read More
Do you have to register yourself as a business to get started in real estate investing? You certainly don’t have to have an office to get started in real estate investing and you’ll actually find you can begin with a lot less than most anticipate.Read More
What if you owed the government or IRS even $46,000? Yet the government has collected and supposedly set aside $46 billion from tax money to stop foreclosures but isn’t using it for that!Read More
Recent studies show 34% or more of foreclosures are now 'strategic defaults' so is it time you got on the bus? For those unfamiliar with the terminology 'strategic default' is basically opting to stop making mortgage payments and essentially volunteering to go into foreclosure.Read More
Despite rumors of a rebounding real estate market those selling a home cannot be too over confident or afford to drag their feet if behind on their mortgages.Read More
California seems to be pulling out all stops in the war against foreclosure but is it enough or could some new moves actually do more harm than good?Read More