According to the media and some real estate industry analysts, Millennials are quickly becoming a major force in property markets and need to be catered to by professionals. But could ignoring the rest of the market and riding the trend train be equally dangerous for real estate agents, investors and builders? Millennials, or Generation Y,...Read More
The new housing rebound is causing some big shifts in the U.S. rental market that aren’t making it into the news. Subsequently, the majority of individuals are unaware of what is actually taking place. So how is the recovery really impacting rental housing, and what does it mean for real estate investors? The rebound has...Read More
Emerging business trends are rapidly altering the office market. These shifts will quickly spill over into other commercial property sectors and residential real estate. So what is changing? Why is it so important for those investing in real estate to be on top of these changes? Contrary to the opinion of many individuals out there,...Read More
There is a lot that goes into being a new investor. Between terms, education, numbers and estimates, it can be very easy to get swallowed up with everything there is to know. After you are done figuring out where you want to invest the next most important thing you need to know is how far...Read More
While the U.S. housing rebound continues to march onward and upward, and there is no serious lack of homes to be bought and sold, homeownership in America remains low. Many otherwise qualified buyers continue to sit on the sidelines instead of participating in what could be a great opportunity. So why aren’t these individuals making...Read More
A few months ago, the Internet began to panic about the need for content that surpassed 2,000 words. For those of you unfamiliar with this concept, in-depth articles appeared to be the new minimum requirement to gain a boost in rankings. However, there are some suggest that this trend is already on the way out,...Read More
Real estate investing strategies for retirement have long been revered as one of the best vehicles to accumulate wealth for later in life. However, there is more than one way to invest in real estate. So which strategies are best for those with retirement in mind? Whether you are planning on retiring at the average...Read More
Crowdfunding has grown into a major industry, as companies and individuals around the world have used this strategy to their advantage. Thousands of crowdfunding campaigns are being launched, new real estate focused platforms are coming online and a whole side industry has sprouted up to support it. However, while made out to be ridiculously easy,...Read More
With the impending threat of tax season now behind us, refunds are all that is left. Investors are among those that typically experience great tax benefits, as it is the nature of the industry. For those of you fortunate enough to receive money this year, there are several scenarios in which the extra funds can...Read More
While sometimes under appreciated, real estate investors are a critical part of any successful real estate team. Their presence on a team can serve as a valuable and strategic partnership. So who should be prioritizing relationships with real estate investors? What are the best practices for cultivating these relationships? Who even needs real estate investors?...Read More