Financing – CT Homes LLC
San Diego's Premier Homebuyer
Phone: 619-888-7777


When buying a home, the question of what type of mortgage you’d like to select is bound to come up if you’re not planning on purchasing the home with cash. This is when an adjustable-rate mortgage (commonly known as an ARM) or a fixed-rate mortgage comes in. Which type of mortgage is the right one...
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One of the biggest hurdles for investors old and new alike is securing financing. You can have everything else with your business in place but without financing you won’t get very far.  How and where you find financing has changed dramatically over the past ten years.  It wasn’t that long ago when lender financing was...
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If you are looking for financing on your next deal you shouldn’t discount your local bank or mortgage broker. Even though traditional financing has received a bad rap in recent years it is still a viable option for the right borrower.  The two main lending options are a local bank and a mortgage broker.  While...
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The first step of any real estate deal is securing financing. Any grand real estate plans you have are based on your available capital. It will directly impact the market you choose, the purchase price, repair budget and everything about your transaction. One of the most common complaints in the investing business is the inability...
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As a real estate investor you often are forced to wear many different hats. Perhaps the most important hat that you wear is that of CFO (chief financial officer) of your business. Without a good grasp of all funds coming in and going out you won’t get very far.  In this day and age of...
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There are more loan financing options than ever before. Between hard money, private money and personal capital it is easy to forget about traditional lender financing.  Even though banks have gotten a bad rap over the years they are still a very attractive financing option.  The near record low interest rates alone make them a...
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Mortgage interest rates have been all over the place in the past 30 days. One day they drop significantly and the next they are on the rise.  If you lock in rates at just the right time, you may be able to time the market perfectly.  Before you celebrate your interest rate reduction there are...
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There is nothing that can bring your business down quicker than excessive debt. You may be able to manage it for a while but the slightest reduction of income will cause the air to come out of the balloon.  If you are like most business owners, and Americans in general, you deal with debt.  If...
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Tax time is coming, but many real estate businesses and investors may find extra breaks to take advantage of this year. Tax filing season isn’t the favorite time of year for many real estate business owners and investors. Yes, they get to count up all of the mountains of extra income they’ve earned and how...
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The only piece of the puzzle that remains difficult for many real estate investors and home buyers to find appears to be financing. Debates continue to rage in the media over whether access to credit is becoming more easily accessible or more elusive. However, for now, the following financing options continue to offer much needed...
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