Home Buying – Page 11 – CT Homes LLC
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Home Buying
How has the San Diego real estate market changed in the last year and what can those buying a home expect to find? The California Association of Realtors’ (CAR) 2012 Annual Housing Report reveals just how much the San Diego real estate market has evolved in the last 12 months. Homes are now selling twice...
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What does 4 more years of Obama in the Whitehouse mean for real estate investors? Regardless of who you voted for we are looking at 4 more years of an Obama administration. Love it or hate it the question is what real estate investors should expect to see happening in the housing market and how...
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What’s ahead for Connecticut real estate now? Connecticut real estate is currently a diverse market with lots of positive signs and opportunities for those buying a home or in real estate investing.
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What’s really going on with San Diego real estate and where is the market headed in 2013? The national media can make it very difficult to make sense of what is going on in local markets but as you no doubt already heard; when it comes to real estate and buying a home it is...
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What is it that is holding foreign buyers back from buying more homes in the U.S. now? Foreign investors have made up a large percentage of those buying homes in America over the last few years but with their economies still facing an ugly future, property so cheap here and offering more for the money...
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What is it that is holding foreign buyers back from buying more homes in the U.S. now? Foreign investors have made up a large percentage of those buying homes in America over the last few years but with their economies still facing an ugly future, property so cheap here and offering more for the money...
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There is huge money to be made flipping celebrity real estate today but how can you land more of these deals? Celebrities haven’t been untouched by the recent economic woes or the foreclosure crisis and there are many celebrity homes from San Diego to Miami and New York which promise massive spreads to savvy real...
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Where’s the best place for buying a home in San Diego today? There has never been a better time for relocating to or looking for an incredible second home in San Diego, California but this is a very diverse county in terms of real estate.
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What’s all the buzz about New Haven, CT homes and why should home buyers and investors be keeping their eye on them?
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Want to become an incredibly successful real estate investor or agent in 2013? John D. Rockefeller remains one of the most famous Americans of all time, one of the richest people in history and the first to be worth more than $1 billion in this country. So if there is anyone that can deliver a...
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