Don’t let yourself be terribly impressed or comforted by the fact that a seller is offering a fully paid warranty on the home and its appliances. Certainly, having the warranty beats not having it, but don’t let a $400 warranty sway your decision. A seller-paid warranty promises repair or replacement of covered systems during your...Read More
This is a post by one of our Team members (and JD’s wife), Debora Esajian… Enjoy! “Every breath is an opportunity to receive and let go. I receive love and I let go of pain.” ~ Brenda MacIntyre . The act of letting go has been on my mind lately… this seems to be a...Read More
For a lender to loan money on a property, that property must be appraised at a value that falls between a certain percentage of the sales price. The reasoning is fairly simple: a bank won’t lend $150,000 on a home that’s only worth $120,000 because the odds that will recoup its total investment should you...Read More
I am excited to present you another spectacular renovation that we just finished and it just hit the market yesterday. It’s at 6145 Tarragona Drive, San Diego 92115. If you are working with buyers in this area, bring them buy to our Open House this Sunday from 1 to 4 PM. They will absolutely love...Read More
We have another awesome event starting today in Charlotte, NC! Our 4-day Intensive Rehab Bootcamp is where Paul and JD Esajian get to share their expertise and passion LIVE with students that come from all over the country. If you’re serious about Real Estate Investing, this is certainly an event that you should look into!...Read More
Bank of America, on Friday October 8, halted foreclosures on homes across the country so it could review paperwork in tens of thousands of cases for flaws, expanding a crisis at a perilous time for the housing market. The move came as PNC Financial Services became the fourth major bank to announce that it would...Read More
FSBOs or “For Sale By Owner” homes attract a certain kind of attention from real estate agents, namely barrage of phone calls asking for their listing once they (oh, so certainly) fail at the endeavor and concede the need to list with an agent. The attention FSBOs often fail to attract is that of agents...Read More
Not all those million agents are serious pros. It’s relatively easy to get into the real estate business but it is tough to make a good living there. Some people just dabble in real estate and some inexperienced agents get precious little handholding from their brokers.Read More
Try to take a week to compare how lenders’ interest rates and points compare each day. Make yourself a little chart. Rates and points are constantly changing. The change might be as small as 1/8 percentage point a day but they are still always moving. At the end of the week you can see which...Read More
Think about this, there are two things honest people routinely lie about: their weight and their commute. If you ask them, they will shave a bit off each. In both cases, the deception is usually based not in a desire to deceive others but from a protective need to deceive themselves. Promise yourself you will...Read More