Home Selling – Page 8 – CT Homes LLC
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Home Selling
More real estate investors have been asking about the pros versus cons of multi-family real estate investing. Is it far more headache than it’s worth or could it actually be more profitable than trying to convert REOs to rentals? So what are the real pros and cons of multi-family property real estate investing and how...
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How is the business landscape shaping up for 2013 and what does it mean for the real estate market and real estate business owners? The business and economic environment has a major effect on housing. Not just in how much transaction volume goes on in the industry but also which property types are most in...
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The California Association of Realtors has been very vocal about their displeasure surrounding recent bulk REO sales in the state due to taking masses of potential inventory out of the market (and Realtor commissions) but is the current ‘lack’ of inventory really a bad thing for San Diego real estate?
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How has the San Diego real estate market changed in the last year and what can those buying a home expect to find? The California Association of Realtors’ (CAR) 2012 Annual Housing Report reveals just how much the San Diego real estate market has evolved in the last 12 months. Homes are now selling twice...
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What’s really going on with San Diego real estate and where is the market headed in 2013? The national media can make it very difficult to make sense of what is going on in local markets but as you no doubt already heard; when it comes to real estate and buying a home it is...
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There is huge money to be made flipping celebrity real estate today but how can you land more of these deals? Celebrities haven’t been untouched by the recent economic woes or the foreclosure crisis and there are many celebrity homes from San Diego to Miami and New York which promise massive spreads to savvy real...
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Why should real estate investors be out thanking big bulk buyers instead of complaining about the competition? Some real estate investors have been getting frustrated with an immense amount of competitions from private equity firms and giant bulk buyers scooping up masses of distressed properties, while others are loving it and are still making plenty...
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Want to know how to sell more homes or even just sell a home faster and for more money? Buzz about the 2012 presidential debates has taken over the media but more than just helping this year’s candidates get more visibility these debate sessions can also teach homeowners, real estate agents and investors a lot...
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While you’d think most of the bad apples were driven out of the mortgage and real estate industry when the bubble burst, there has actually been a dramatic rise in real estate related fraud since 2008. How does this affect those selling a home today?
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While countless experts have officially called a real estate recovery is underway and the hard numbers back it, there are still the occasional pessimistic pieces in the media trying to cast a cloud over it. Why?
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