Can making your bed first thing every morning really make you a better real estate investor? According to the author of The Four Hour Work Week, Tim Ferriss, making his bed every morning gives him an edge. So what does this have to do with being a better business professional? What other daily habits can...Read More
For those purchasing their tenth, or one-hundredth property, the process of buying a home seems natural. It is something that comes off as second hand. However, despite all of the information that is out there on the web, first-time homebuyers can find it quite difficult to get started. So where do you start with buying...Read More
Halloween will be on us before we know it. It is a time of year where real estate cycles can really confuse those that haven’t been in the industry for too long. In fact, we are already seeing some of these figures creeping their way into the news, as retailers continue to roll out their...Read More
Are you seeing the results you expected from your real estate advertising? Real estate ads are the life blood of most industry professionals and companies. Even those with great personal networks and sizable pools of regular referrals need to be advertising to replenish lead sources and keep deal flow and revenues consistent. It can be...Read More
What’s the truth behind credit repair and buying real estate? Does credit repair really work to help real estate buyers? Should you use it? Should real estate professionals refer their clients to credit repair companies? What other services do these companies provide that may be of use? America’s Big Credit Issues America has a big...Read More
If you were looking to buy a home, which type of mortgage would benefit you the most? What are the best home loan programs available? Should you consider ARMs, fixed rate loans, or something else? The following should help you answer all of these questions, and more: Truth be told, the best mortgage available is...Read More
How can individual investors determine their value within the real estate industry? It’s a great time to get into real estate and, for that matter,to get back into it. However, some are still struggling to find their place. Should they be real estate agents or investors? Should they remain independent professionals, work for someone else,...Read More
Reputation and visibility are two of the most important factors for real estate executives. With that in mind, how can they ensure more good PR, and avoid the bad? Public relations isn’t just something you outsource to a publicist and expect to work. It is a symptom and culmination of everything else you do. A...Read More
Data from J Turner Research and Appfolio says that we are in the middle of absorbing 80 million Millennial renters. So what properties are they looking at the most? How might this compare to what other generations are trending towards? What can you take from this information to make your rental portfolio perform that much...Read More
Can the no debt philosophy really work when it comes to home buying and real estate? The financial crises, which peaked in 2008, has sent many on a mission to being debt free, and refusing to borrow anything. Some consider this the result of waking up after a decade of debt madness. Others consider the...Read More