How can you spot and beat Craigslist’s real estate con artists? Connecticut has seen a huge wave of criminals attempting to cash in, in the wake of hurricane Sandy. Coinciding with an increase in online real estate scams and an even larger number of local vacant homes this presents a virtual minefield for those looking...Read More
Technology is now easily the biggest driver of change in the real estate industry. Love it, hate it, don’t get it, it doesn’t matter. If real estate investors and agents don’t accept this and recognize how tech is changing migration patterns and shopping habits they are going to miss out on the best opportunities and...Read More
The world’s richest billionaire just got into real estate investing in an even bigger way, setting a trend many more high net worth individuals are sure to follow... Everyone has heard about the massive real estate investing maneuvers Warren Buffett has been making recently and how many of the world’s richest rely on real estate...Read More
The great Instagram debacle has been hogging the media for the last week, and even for the non-geek real estate investors this holds some critical business strategy lessons which shouldn’t be ignored. The Instagram disaster over its new privacy policy has been likened to both the downfall of Facebook and Netflix. All three have made...Read More
There are no excuses for real estate investors and agents not to get away before the end of the year. Taking a break is a must, not a nice to have. If you don’t take time out to recharge, get inspired and map out your game plan for the New Year you’ll be starting off...Read More
The holiday season is on us, brining endless parties and entertaining opportunities for real estate investors and agents. However, while this can be one of the best times of the year for building relationships and new business opportunities, it has also been one of the most notoriously devastating for many careers.Read More
What’s the key to getting more clients and boosting business for real estate investors and agents? Truly successful real estate agents and investors know that growing their businesses, profits and being able to get and stay on top is not just about generating more leads now, but about creating raving fans that will keep coming...Read More
Are your real estate company employees planning to jump ship in the next few weeks? If they are what can you do about it? January is a hot time of year for real estate agents and staff working for real estate investors to change employers and this year recruiting efforts are heating up even more...Read More
Are your real estate company employees planning to jump ship in the next few weeks? If they are what can you do about it? January is a hot time of year for real estate agents and staff working for real estate investors to change employers and this year recruiting efforts are heating up even more...Read More
Many turn to flipping houses and investing in real estate each year, not just for the big paychecks but freedom to work from home. Freedom is great but there are 4 very powerful reasons real estate investors should never work from home...Read More