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business development
The goal of any real estate investor is to convert leads into deals. How well you do this often separates you from every other investor in your area.  It is not enough to state your case and hope for the best.  There is a certain way of talking to sellers that gives you the best...
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The real estate investing business is filled with personalities. As you spend time at meetings, clubs and closings you will come across several different types of investors.  Each of them has their own unique characteristics that separate them from the pack.  What you will see is that oftentimes the ones with the best personalities are...
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The first year for any new business is the most important. What you do in the first twelve months will often set the tone for the next decade plus.  If you can get past the startup period you will be well on your way to success. Surviving this period is as much about having the...
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Most good things in business start with a plan. Without a plan it is easy to veer off course in times of desperation.  You will find yourself looking at deals and markets where you have no business being in.  While taking action is always important taking action blindly will often do more harm than good....
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The mind is a very powerful thing. It influences how you think about a deal and how you feel about a new contact. It can push you to work hard in times of struggle or throw in the towel when faced with adversity.  In the world of real estate the right mindset is essential.  Investing...
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One of the first things that most new businesses do is develop a website. The real estate investing business is no different. A good website will give you a decided advantage over your investing competition.  However it is not enough to simply throw a few pages together and wait for traffic to roll in.  Your...
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There are many different ways to invest in real estate. If you are not careful it is easy to experiment with as many of these options as you can find. While there is nothing wrong with a little trial and error without a firm plan in place you will end up constantly chasing your tail....
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As we enter June we are quickly approaching the half way point of the year. As difficult as it may be to believe, New Year’s Eve was over five months ago. If you are like most people, any resolutions you made are a distant memory.  Hopefully you are following through on your goals and your...
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It has often been said in the real estate world that there is not much that separates one investor from another. In a local market most investors have access to the same contacts and an equal chance when a new listing becomes available.  If this is the case why are some investors more successful than...
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Make these decisions for your real estate brand today… Whether just starting out in real estate, or already completing 100+ transactions a year, your brand is your most valuable asset. It is your brand which will make or break further deals, dictate conversion rates – and RO – as well as the total potential and...
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