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business plan
Marketing and lead generation are the cornerstone of your business. With a steady flow of leads coming in you should be able to maintain a consistent pipeline. The minute you start neglecting your marketing your business will come to a screeching halt. As difficult as marketing can be at times there are more options in...
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If you own a business, you know how important it is to keep an eye on the bottom line. In fact, almost everything you do should have some consideration of how it will impact your expenses. As important as it is to save money and find ways to lower costs, you also need to pick...
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Real estate investing is a numbers game for a reason. Regardless of how well run your business is, deals will fall out from time to time. The more deals you have in the pipeline the easier it is to withstand the occasional lost deal. What can never happen is making the same mistake twice. Anyone...
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There is a line from the movie “Rounders” that states we rarely remember our winning poker hands, but we can cite with incredibly accuracy the big ones we have lost. The same can be said for the world of real estate investing. For every success story it is easy focusing on the ones about the...
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There are many things needed to grow a successful real estate business. You need to have a firm grasp on the local real estate market, numbers and formulas. You need to build a reliable team that can help tackle anything that comes your way. It also helps to have capital behind you and the ability...
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Investing in real estate is one of the few professions you can earn a full-time income in part time hours. You don’t need to stare at a computer screen or punch numbers for eighty hours a week to earn a living. With just a few deals a year can supplement, or in some cases even...
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The adage about the importance of location still rings true in the world of real estate investing. The strength of any deal is largely based on the strength of the market it is located in. You can be offered a deep discount on a property in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn’t necessarily mean...
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As a real estate investor, you are in charge of your business. One of the biggest adjustments new investors make is transitioning from making offers to actually running a business. Regardless of how many deals you close you must treat real estate like a business. At the end of the day if your bottom line...
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Negotiation is an essential part in almost everything you do. Without even realizing it you negotiate with your spouse, kids, business partner, contractor and attorney on a daily basis. Some negotiations are worth thousands of dollars and others are strictly for principal. It is human nature to try to win every negotiation we are part...
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We live in a fast-paced world where multitasking is the norm rather than the exception. If you are like most people it is common to try to handle five different tasks at once. As great as multitasking sounds not everyone is good at it. Unless you know how to keep your business organized it is...
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