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business plan
We live in a day and age where being health conscious is in. All you need to do is turn on your TV for twenty minutes and you will find a commercial about eating better or exercising more. As great as being physically healthy is as a real estate investor you also need to focus...
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One of the worst things for any business is wasted time. In the world of real estate wasting too much time on one deal can directly cause you to miss out on a future opportunity. Every homeowner you talk to has some idea of what they want to do prior to talking with you. Those...
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Technology is moving at the speed of light.  Think about how cool and modern your new phone was just a few years ago.  If you look at that same phone today it is probably outdated and in some cases even obsolete.  The same is the case when it comes to your business website.  It is...
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With all the constant news and information regarding the real estate market it is easy to get confused sometimes. One day you hear that interest rates are going up and housing market is in trouble for 2017.  The next day you hear that there will be an increase in loan programs which will open the...
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Every new investor wants to dive into the business as quickly as possible. They watch their favorite investing show on TV and think things will be just as easy.  Without knowing what steps to take you will run yourself into circles and not get very far.  Regardless of what type of investing you want to...
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Successful rental properties are all about finding the right tenants. Once you find tenants that truly enjoy your property you can expect the lease to go as smooth as possible.  To find the right tenant your rental needs to stand out from the crowd.  There is plenty of rental demand in most markets.  It is...
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The best real estate investors often surround themselves with the best possible people. The strength of your team can often determine the strength of your business. The people around you want to know that you are going to lead them every step of the way.  There are several different ways to lead based on your...
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Everyone wants to make money. What most people fail to grasp is that it is not how much money you make but what you actually do with it that is important.  If the money is going out as fast as it is coming in eventually the well will run dry and you will be left...
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You have been thinking about joining the real estate business and are finally ready to make the plunge. You have read some books, watched some shows and are officially inspired to become a real estate investor.  Before you get too far with looking for properties and making offers you should take a minute and prepare...
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Every good real estate investing career starts with a plan. Choosing to dive right into the business and take things as they come is often a recipe for disaster.  Without a plan you will takes risks that often don’t match your personality.  Eventually these decisions will come back to haunt you.  Conversely with a solid...
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