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business plan
Running a business means staying on top of every aspect of it. Not only do you need to be the lead negotiator and head marketer but you are also in charge of the finances.  Whether you like it or not the finances can make or break your business.  It is not enough to simply close...
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One of the best ways to jumpstart your business as you are starting out is by developing a partnership. In a perfect world a business partner will allow your business to accelerate the learning curve and grow as quickly as possible.  As ideal as this may be it doesn’t always work out that way.  Rushing...
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Making the decision to be a full time real estate investor is very much like starting a new business. The choices you make in the infancy of your business can have a major impact on where you end up.  Aligning yourself with the right people and being open to numerous ideas can often times make...
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Business has changed dramatically over the past decade. It wasn’t that long ago that if you wanted to run a business you needed a dedicated office.  Over the past few years technology has completely changed where, when and even how you run a business.  Gone is the need for an office and everything in it. ...
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One of the keys for any successful business owner is maximizing the abilities of their employees. By squeezing every ounce of effort and productivity your business can be as efficient as possible. As a real estate investor you may only have a few employees but you can also influence the people around you.  Every real...
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Marketing and lead generation are the engines that drive your business. Without new leads coming in your business will eventually grind to a halt. As a real estate investor you should do something every day to get your phone to ring.  This could be something big like starting a large scale direct mail campaign or...
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The most successful real estate investors recognize the importance of surrounding themselves with a solid team. Not only does a strong team help in reaching your goals but it makes your life that much easier.  Instead of trying to do every task yourself you will be comfortable letting go and focusing on other areas.  Anyone...
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We live in an instant gratification society. We want to see an immediate return on whatever it is we are doing.  While this may work for some aspects of your life it may not always be best for your real estate business.  There are times as an investor that you need to look at the...
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The right business partner can completely transform your business. They can open up new doors and bring your business to a whole new level. For as much as the right partner can help the wrong partner can cause months of misery. Because of this getting into a partnership is a decision that shouldn’t be taken...
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A well-defined brand can completely change your business. Instead of having to search for a niche or struggling with an identity the right brand will give you a leg up on your competition.  You will instantly be recognizable to real estate agents, sellers, buyers and fellow investors in your area.  You will become the go...
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