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buying a home
According to the latest Gallup poll homeownership in America has fallen to the lowest rate in over a decade. Yet more people are interested in buying than ever. What’s the bottom line for buyers, sellers and investors?
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Is buying a home to live in a smart move as a first investment property? Many would argue that a residence is not a true investment at all and that all real estate investments must be managed like a business. On the other hand Warren Buffet names his own residence as one of the best...
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Home buyers, sellers in foreclosure and real estate investors have long complained about the ridiculously long amount of time it has taken for banks and mortgage loan servicers to process short sales. Finally it seems everyone might be getting their wish, whether they end up really enjoying what they asked for or not.
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Is buying a home with structural problems something you should run from or an opportunity to get a huge discount? Home buyers, especially first timers often find buying their ‘dream home’ becomes a scary proposition after receiving their home inspection report. Long checklists of repair items can add up into lots of dollars quickly, some...
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San Diego, California remains one of the world’s most popular destinations not just attracting tourists but those who want to make it their new home but what should you know before you buy into San Diego real estate?
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Interested in buying a home in Connecticut as a rental property? The conditions may have never been better for buy and hold investors but that doesn’t mean you should rush in without doing your homework.
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You can save a lot of time when shopping for buying a home in San Diego by taking a few minutes to define exactly what is most important. How big should it be, how many bedrooms do you need, which are do you want to live in and what price range can you afford?
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There are many things to look out when you review your closing documents when buying a home but could you actually go to jail if you aren’t paying attention to what you sign?
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Trying to make sense of property values today can be incredibly confusing. You know what you paid for your home or what homes like you rent used to cost a few years ago, the news talks about 10% or $20,000 drops in value across the country but you have heard of foreclosures selling for a...
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There have been few times in history if ever that it has been so attractive for buying a home. However, the recent roller coaster rise the mortgage and housing market has been through certainly presents some challenges for buyers, so check out the following 5 tips for ensuring a successful home buying experience...
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