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buying a home
With summer in full swing it is prime time for vacation season. Right now, you may be reading this on the front porch of your vacation home with the sun just coming up and a cup of coffee by your side. You have been coming to the same spot every summer and just started considering...
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One of the major components in a successful house flip is properly estimating your after-repair value. You can do great work on the property but if you are off the mark with your ARV the deal won’t be as successful as you anticipated. Experienced rehabbers understand that simply making improvements doesn’t always increase the value....
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There is more to real estate investing than quick flips and rehabs. While these types of deals are currently the norm, they are far from the only way to dabble in real estate. You can still build a long-term portfolio through rental properties, pass along wholesale deals or form a capital partnership. There are literally...
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There are many things needed to grow a successful real estate business. You need to have a firm grasp on the local real estate market, numbers and formulas. You need to build a reliable team that can help tackle anything that comes your way. It also helps to have capital behind you and the ability...
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Investing in real estate is one of the few professions you can earn a full-time income in part time hours. You don’t need to stare at a computer screen or punch numbers for eighty hours a week to earn a living. With just a few deals a year can supplement, or in some cases even...
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In many areas the local rental market is outperforming the housing market. This continues what has been a trend that has been going on for the better part of the last decade. While increased demand has helped find tenants, increased competition is making it difficult keep them. Tenants have more rental options today than ever...
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One of the fastest growing areas in real estate over the past decade is private financing. When the market collapsed many of the traditional lenders went out of business. This created a new market for financing and the demand for hard money financing exploded. What was once a niche sector of the market that catered...
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You don’t need to invest full time to be a success in real estate. There are many investors who have kept their full-time job while balancing a budding investing career. This can be difficult initially, but over time it becomes part of your regular routine. The best way to ease the transition is by planning...
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The adage about the importance of location still rings true in the world of real estate investing. The strength of any deal is largely based on the strength of the market it is located in. You can be offered a deep discount on a property in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn’t necessarily mean...
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In most markets the demand for quality rentals continues to remain strong. Over the past decade there has been a steady increase in rental property ownership and rental property demand. Just one cash flow producing rental property can completely change your portfolio for the better. For every tenant horror story you hear there are a...
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