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buying a home
With any motivated seller lead the first goal is to get the homeowner to agree to a meeting. The meeting should act as a mini presentation for what you can do and how you plan on doing it without being too over the top.  You never want to hide the fact that you are a...
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Real estate house flipping is as hot as ever. A majority of new real estate investors enter the business with rehabs and flips as their primary focus.  One of the main reasons for this is that anyone can do it.  You don’t need a degree or eight years of education to close your first deal. ...
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As a fix and flip investor your work isn’t done until you sell the property. You can do everything right along the way but the payoff only happens when you find an end buyer.  Getting to this point can be very stressful.  Your business may be in a holding pattern until you can unload the...
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Generally speaking real estate investing success does not happen overnight. There are occasional exceptions to the rule but typically there is a process to the business.  One of the ways to keep your business going is by constantly funding it with capital.  Increased capital opens up the door to new ways of marketing and lead...
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It is no secret that the loan application process can be time consuming and stressful. The last thing you need to deal with is an unexpected item with your credit report.  What most borrowers aren’t aware of is that the credit score you have at the beginning of the process may not be the same...
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Starting a new business is full of unexpected challenges. Knowing exactly the right path to take is always a bit of a mystery.  Even if things don’t end up going your way you never want to have any regrets.  You can live with mistakes but regrets will eat you alive.  One of the things that...
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As we quickly approach Thanksgiving the end of the year is right around the corner. With this often comes holiday parties, excessive days off and a general lull in the real estate market.  In real estate this can present a great opportunity to buy.  With your competition mailing the rest of the year in you...
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In real estate numbers are everything. You can personally love a property but if the numbers don’t work you need to walk away.  When you come across a new property how quickly you can process all of the data and assign a value is critical.  Although value is always at least partially subjective there are...
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Finding good deals is the key to a successful real estate business. Where and how you find these deals is entirely up to you.  Instead of relying on the same sources as every other investor it is important to come up with ideas that are unique to you.  The less competition for deals the better...
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As a house flipper your job isn’t over until the property is sold. You can do great rehab work but until you are at the closing table there is still more to be done.  Every day that you own the property you are on the hook for the carrying costs and other expenses.  It is...
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