entrepreneur tips – Page 2 – CT Homes LLC
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entrepreneur tips
Anyone can rehab a property, but not everyone will be successful at it. From the outside it would appear that all you need to do is buy a property, throw some money at it and wait for offers to pour in. If you have ever flipped a house before you know that this is not...
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Are you ready to run your own business? It should not be lost on you that as a real estate investor you are the CEO, CFO, President and Principal of your business. You are directly involved in every decision you make, every property you pursue and every partnership you are involved in. Your ability to...
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There are several key factors that go into a successful house flip. For starters, you need to get the property at a price that works for you. Overpaying on the way in will put you behind the eight ball throughout the process. Next, you assemble the right team and do the right work, all while...
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At some point in every real estate investors career they will entertain the thought of working with a partner. In some cases, the right partner will be the best thing you can do, greatly accelerating your business growth. In other scenarios, you will almost instantly regret the partnership and look for ways to get out...
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With any business, the goal should be to constantly take incremental steps forward. If you can scratch out even a small profit on every deal you will ultimately be ahead of the game. As a real estate investor, you are faced with a handful of important decisions daily. Without even knowing it at the time...
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It is hard to believe that 2019 is just a few weeks away. It seems like only yesterday we were in the middle of spring and starting to think about summer. The reality is that the clock doesn’t stop, and the calendar often moves quicker than we would like. If you are like most people...
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Getting a good deal on a rehab property is not enough to ensure a profit. If you buy in the wrong market it truly won’t matter how low your offer is. Prior to making an offer, or even exploring a property, there are a handful of key items you need to do your homework on....
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On the surface, being a landlord seems pretty simple. You find a tenant and wait for the first of every month for rent checks to pour in. At the end of the lease you repeat the process and start all over again. Anyone who owns rental property knows this isn’t exactly how things work. There...
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Finding deals is one thing, funding them is another. There are a handful of ways you can fund your next purchase. While all the exotic stated income and 100% loan products are long gone, there are other options available. Some require some upfront capital, but most of them require nothing more than a plan in...
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Everyone in business makes mistakes. When you are self-employed your mistakes tend to sting a little bit more. Instead of explaining yourself to a boss, there is nobody to blame but yourself. Under the right circumstances a mistake can be used a learning experience. However, if you continue to make the same mistake again eventually...
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