When is the last time you looked at your credit report? If you are even remotely involved in the real estate business the answer should be within the last thirty days. If you are not on top of your credit report you run the risk of having to deal with unexpected issues when you least...Read More
Most real estate investors are in a constant search of their next deal. Even if they have projects they are currently working on they usually have one eye on the future. There are times when this quest for a new deal leads them to places they don’t want to be. They begin entertaining deals, properties...Read More
Real estate investing is one of the best careers you can possibly have. Sure, this may be a little biased but it also happens to be true. Investing in real estate gives you the ability to make your own schedule as well as the chance to generate unlimited income. There is no boss telling you...Read More
The first 100 days in any business are important. They set the tone for where your business is and where you want it to go. It is not a stretch to say that every decision you make during this time is critical. In the world of real estate it can be the difference in finding...Read More
Generating leads is great but the name of the game is conversion. The more leads you can convert into actual deals the stronger your business will be. As a real estate investor not enough time is spent on this aspect of the business. Most investors feel that turning leads into deals is a numbers game...Read More
Running a business means staying on top of every aspect of it. Not only do you need to be the lead negotiator and head marketer but you are also in charge of the finances. Whether you like it or not the finances can make or break your business. It is not enough to simply close...Read More
What does it take to become a successful real estate investor? Depending on who you ask the answers will vary greatly. Some will say it takes financial backing while others will say you need education. Some will argue that local contacts are key while others proclaim that a quality real estate agent is essential. While...Read More
There are ups and downs in every business. As a real estate investor some days you feel like you are on top of the world and others you wonder why you are in the business. What keeps you going during the down times is having the right mindset. Not only do you need to acknowledge...Read More
Owning a rental property should be viewed as a long term investment. If you take care of the property it will produce income for years to come. As apparent as this may be not every landlord is willing to go the extra mile. They would rather allocate any extra cash flow to other areas of...Read More
What you do in your first hour of being awake sets the tone for the rest of the day. By tweaking your morning routine you can get your day off to a flying start. It is no secret that we are creatures of habit. If you do something for just a few consecutive days it...Read More