entrepreneur tips – Page 7 – CT Homes LLC
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entrepreneur tips
One of the best ways to jumpstart your business as you are starting out is by developing a partnership. In a perfect world a business partner will allow your business to accelerate the learning curve and grow as quickly as possible.  As ideal as this may be it doesn’t always work out that way.  Rushing...
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Making the decision to be a full time real estate investor is very much like starting a new business. The choices you make in the infancy of your business can have a major impact on where you end up.  Aligning yourself with the right people and being open to numerous ideas can often times make...
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Everyone in business is looking for ways to increase productivity. While hard work is important it is far from the only factor.  You need to strike a balance between working hard and working smart.  Sitting behind a laptop for fifteen hours a day seems like a good idea but is often counterproductive.  There are plenty...
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