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In the world of real estate, you often get what you pay for. As tempting as it may be to save some money and sell a property on your own you are typically better off leaving it in the hands of a professional. However, there are certain times when the projected profit is so small...
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With all the constant news and information regarding the real estate market it is easy to get confused sometimes. One day you hear that interest rates are going up and housing market is in trouble for 2017.  The next day you hear that there will be an increase in loan programs which will open the...
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Every new investor wants to dive into the business as quickly as possible. They watch their favorite investing show on TV and think things will be just as easy.  Without knowing what steps to take you will run yourself into circles and not get very far.  Regardless of what type of investing you want to...
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In today’s day and age of advanced technology there are dozens of effective ways to successfully promote your business. While social media is currently the most popular it is far from the only option.  The increase in technology has made it easier than ever to spread your message and get your businesses name out.  With...
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Good habits are the foundation of any good business. If you put a camera on most successful people you will see their day is filled with habits that save time, improve focus and ultimately help accomplish more daily tasks.  These habits are engrained in their mind and are non-negotiable regardless of whatever else is going...
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There are always two sides to every coin. If you are in the real estate business long enough you will find there are many different ways to build a portfolio.  Some investors strictly stick to quick flips and rehabs while others look for long term buy and hold properties.  Within the buy and hold segment...
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It seems like everyone wants to be involved in real estate. You probably have a Great Uncle, co-worker or someone you went to school with talk to you about investing in real estate.  You may have even discussed all the success you could have and maybe even a little about how you would go about...
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As hard as it may be to believe 2017 is already over three weeks old. It feels like just yesterday we were sitting down writing our resolutions thinking about all the wonderful things 2017 has in store.  Before you know it spring will be here quickly followed by summer.  If you are not careful 2017...
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One of the most popular questions in the real estate community is “how do I get started as an investor?” There are thousands of would be investors all across the country who want to dive right into the business but aren’t exactly sure where to start.  They may have read a few books, watched a...
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As a fix and flip investor your work isn’t done until you sell the property. You can do everything right along the way but the payoff only happens when you find an end buyer.  Getting to this point can be very stressful.  Your business may be in a holding pattern until you can unload the...
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