The starting point for any prospective deal is financing. How you plan on financing the transaction dictates just about everything else you do. Financing determines your offer price, the closing date, contract contingencies and earnest money deposited. On some deals the financing option is cut and dry. On others there are a handful of options...Read More
We live in a day and age where being health conscious is in. All you need to do is turn on your TV for twenty minutes and you will find a commercial about eating better or exercising more. As great as being physically healthy is as a real estate investor you also need to focus...Read More
Financing is the starting point of any real estate transaction. You can have everything else in place but without financing you won’t get very far. Financing can often be one of the biggest hurdles for new investors. Many investors don’t have the proper credit score or necessary down payment amount for traditional lender financing. They...Read More
In business the bottom line is always the bottom line. You can have a steady stream of deals coming in but if you aren’t smart with your money it won’t make a difference. One of the biggest adjustments for new investors is accepting the fact that they are running a business. This means focusing on...Read More