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finding the right tenants
In the real estate world one mistake can wipe away years of hard work. Many landlords think responding to a tenant complaint is annoying but it is a walk in the park compared to facing litigation. Without even realizing it you could not be following fair housing rules and regulations. If the right tenant realizes...
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No landlord likes dealing with tenant turnover however, it is a critical part of the job. How you deliver the rental to your tenant often sets the tone for the rest of the lease. If the property is sloppy, or even dirty, your tenants will feel that since you don’t take care of it they...
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Screening potential tenants is the most important thing you can do as a landlord. Every problem during a lease can be traced back to your screening process.  If you are lax on your screening you will let many more bad tenants slip through the cracks.  Tenant screening is not like opening up an investigation.  In...
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Happy tenants are often the best tenants. As a landlord your tenants are the backbone of the entire rental property operation.  Having a good tenant that pays on time and has little drama makes owning the property feel almost too easy at times.  On the flip side an unhappy tenant will drag their feet sending...
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A well performing rental property can completely change your portfolio.  Not only will you be able to take advantage of strong monthly cash flow returns but you can build a base for the future.  As appealing as this sounds getting there can be a different story.  There are many hurdles and pitfalls to becoming a...
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As a landlord your top priority is to keep your property filled with good tenants. Where and how you find those tenants is entirely up to you.  One option at your disposal is to lean on your local real estate agent.  Although this can be effective it can also be quite expensive.  On average real...
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