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Flipping houses
There are a handful of subtle things you should be doing if you are selling your property. Some of these are common sense but all of them can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. Even in a seller’s market, it is not enough to list your home and wait for the offers to...
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There is a lot to consider when buying your first investment property.  In addition to finding the right market you also need to know what you want from the property.  By starting with the end in mind it will help guide you every step of the way.  Knowing your property goals will also give you...
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There is a lot to consider before making an offer. In the excitement of finding a good property and working on a new deal it is easy to get overzealous.  You want the deal so badly that you may lose track of what is really important.  The goal of any investor is not to accumulate...
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The first year for any new business is the most important. What you do in the first twelve months will often set the tone for the next decade plus.  If you can get past the startup period you will be well on your way to success. Surviving this period is as much about having the...
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When you find a property you really want you need to go the extra mile to get it. It can be very demoralizing tracking a property for months only to have it end up with someone else.  In most cases buyers who know how to negotiate best end up with more deals.  Successful negotiation doesn’t...
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There have been many changes to the real estate business over the last fifteen years. In the past if you want to buy a property you most likely used one of the many conventional loan programs there were offered.  You also need to lean on your local real estate agent to find good deals and...
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Most good things in business start with a plan. Without a plan it is easy to veer off course in times of desperation.  You will find yourself looking at deals and markets where you have no business being in.  While taking action is always important taking action blindly will often do more harm than good....
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To be a great real estate investor you need to follow rules. The rules you create will help guide you in everything you do.  Without rules it is easy to jump at every new property that hits the market.  Without a set of defined rules you can end up with properties that aren’t really profitable. ...
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Rehabbing is currently the most popular form of real estate investing. Almost every new investor that enters the market wants to be the next great house flipper.  While this is certainly achievable there is plenty that can go wrong.  Things may look easy enough on TV but are often much more difficult than you may...
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The best real estate investors start with a plan. Figuring out what you need and how to get it can be confusing and frustrating as you are just starting out.  While there are several different paths you can take there are a few basic items all new investors need. These items are the backbone of...
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