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Flipping houses
As any rehab investor knows quicks sales are essential for success. It allows you to maximize profits on the current deal and accelerate how quickly you can find the next one.  As great as quick rehab turnovers are not every investor knows how to achieve them.  It is not enough to hurry through a project...
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Real estate investing has exploded in recent years. Everyday there are thousands of new investors all across the country.  The hard reality is that not every new investor is going to be successful.  Without proper education and action many will have trouble getting off the ground.  What many new investors fail to grasp is that...
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How many people in your market know that you invest in real estate? Telling your friends, family and even co-workers is a good start but it is far from enough. To get the success that you want you need to put yourself out there and let as many people as you can know what you...
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Pulling off a successful rehab project is a lot more difficult than most investors imagine. You need to find the perfect mix of the right property coupled with the right improvements.  All the while you need to keep an eye on the budget and deliver quality work.  When everything works there are plenty of profits...
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There are multiple paths to rehab success. If you watch five different rehab shows you will see five different styles and personalities. What makes the real estate business so great is that you can invest to your personality. When looking at fix and flip deals there are a few things that most every investor looks...
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Now is a great time to invest in real estate. Every day new investors are entering the business with great success. This success, however, does not come easy.  Like any other business real estate is full of ups and downs.  The odds are you will not be flooded with deals your first month in the...
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The first step of any real estate deal is securing financing. Any grand real estate plans you have are based on your available capital. It will directly impact the market you choose, the purchase price, repair budget and everything about your transaction. One of the most common complaints in the investing business is the inability...
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Not every property is a great rehab property. As a rehabber there is often a thin line between success and disappointment. Your success starts with choosing the right property to work on.  You can have a great property but if the location is poor you won’t get the most out of it. The right property...
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Getting started in real estate can be an overwhelming experience. Between all of the different opinions and advice it is easy to get pulled in a dozen different directions. If you are not careful you can end up in a deal that you regret. Like any other new career you need to have a vision...
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As a real estate investor there are days when you just wish you go could back in time and change some of the mistakes you have made. As far as we know this technology hasn’t been created yet, but I’m sure they are working on it. Instead of hopping in your time machine you can...
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