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flipping real estate
If you are a fix and flip real estate investor a reliable contractor is essential. Not only will they improve your bottom line on every project but they can create a great working environment.  Unfortunately good contractors don’t just fall on your lap.  It is not uncommon to go through several contractors on your way...
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There is a lot to consider when buying your first investment property.  In addition to finding the right market you also need to know what you want from the property.  By starting with the end in mind it will help guide you every step of the way.  Knowing your property goals will also give you...
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There is a lot to consider before making an offer. In the excitement of finding a good property and working on a new deal it is easy to get overzealous.  You want the deal so badly that you may lose track of what is really important.  The goal of any investor is not to accumulate...
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Rehabbing is currently the most popular form of real estate investing. Almost every new investor that enters the market wants to be the next great house flipper.  While this is certainly achievable there is plenty that can go wrong.  Things may look easy enough on TV but are often much more difficult than you may...
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As any rehab investor knows quicks sales are essential for success. It allows you to maximize profits on the current deal and accelerate how quickly you can find the next one.  As great as quick rehab turnovers are not every investor knows how to achieve them.  It is not enough to hurry through a project...
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How many people in your market know that you invest in real estate? Telling your friends, family and even co-workers is a good start but it is far from enough. To get the success that you want you need to put yourself out there and let as many people as you can know what you...
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Pulling off a successful rehab project is a lot more difficult than most investors imagine. You need to find the perfect mix of the right property coupled with the right improvements.  All the while you need to keep an eye on the budget and deliver quality work.  When everything works there are plenty of profits...
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There are multiple paths to rehab success. If you watch five different rehab shows you will see five different styles and personalities. What makes the real estate business so great is that you can invest to your personality. When looking at fix and flip deals there are a few things that most every investor looks...
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The first step of any real estate deal is securing financing. Any grand real estate plans you have are based on your available capital. It will directly impact the market you choose, the purchase price, repair budget and everything about your transaction. One of the most common complaints in the investing business is the inability...
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Not every property is a great rehab property. As a rehabber there is often a thin line between success and disappointment. Your success starts with choosing the right property to work on.  You can have a great property but if the location is poor you won’t get the most out of it. The right property...
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