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flipping real estate
Getting started in real estate can be an overwhelming experience. Between all of the different opinions and advice it is easy to get pulled in a dozen different directions. If you are not careful you can end up in a deal that you regret. Like any other new career you need to have a vision...
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As a rehabber the focus should always be on your bottom line. If you don’t have an eye towards maximizing profits on every deal you will be left disappointed with the results. The goal isn’t just to rehab a property but to make it worth your time. Maximizing profits starts even before you make an...
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So you want to buy an investment property. After months of circling around the business you have finally decided that the time is now.  The only problem is that you aren’t exactly sure where to begin. As you start your property search there are a few critical areas of evaluation you need to focus on....
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All good investors rely on lead generation. You can do everything else right but without new leads coming in your business won’t get very far. One of the most common excuses that new investors make is not having enough money to spend on marketing. The reality is that you don’t need a lot of money...
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A real estate partnership is one of the best ways to grow your investing business. In areas where you may be lacking a partner can help pick up the slack. Not only can a partner directly lead to more deals but they can also make your life that much easier.  As beneficial as a partner...
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Everyone wants to be a rehabber. If you turn on your TV almost any night you can find a show dedicated to flipping and rehabbing. Some of these shows provide valuable insight as to what it takes to make it in the business.  Others do not show always show an accurate description of what the...
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The rehab process isn’t complete until you sell your property. You can do everything right throughout your rehab but it won’t matter if your property sits on the market.  Even if you did quality work and made smart upgrades you can’t overplay your hand.  Where you price your property will often dictate how quickly it...
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Real estate investing has undergone numerous changes in the past two decades. Perhaps the biggest change is with the number of part time investors.  For years a majority of real estate investors entered the business on a full time basis.  This was not just a hobby but a career.  In recent years there has been...
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There is nothing that can bring your business down quicker than excessive debt. You may be able to manage it for a while but the slightest reduction of income will cause the air to come out of the balloon.  If you are like most business owners, and Americans in general, you deal with debt.  If...
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How can real estate investors successfully source, buy, and recycle foreclosure properties this year? Yes, there are still thousands of distressed and foreclosed homes in the U.S. property market in 2016. There may be far fewer than before and they may be a little harder to find, but they are there. So how can real...
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