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Flipping Tips
You never know when you will come across a deal that doesn’t quite fit with what you are looking to do. When these types of deals come your way, it is important that you can still find ways to generate income from them. One of the ways to earn is by wholesaling them to a...
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People like to work with people they are comfortable with. Someone may offer a better price but if they aren’t comfortable with the individual or company they will most likely pass. As a real estate investor, your reputation is one of the most important assets you have. If a real estate agent, contractor or attorney...
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Do you want to be a rehabber but don’t know how to operate an electric screwdriver? As crazy as it may sound you don’t need to be a handy person to be a rehabber. Sure, it is a help but far from a prerequisite in getting started. There are many rehabbers all over the country...
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Not every rehab and flip deal you get involved in will be successful. With poor planning and unrealistic numbers you can and sometimes will lose money.  As much as investors don’t want to hear this they need to recognize the possibility.  All it takes is a few small mistakes to turn a profitable looking property...
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Real estate house flipping is as hot as ever. A majority of new real estate investors enter the business with rehabs and flips as their primary focus.  One of the main reasons for this is that anyone can do it.  You don’t need a degree or eight years of education to close your first deal. ...
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The change of calendar is a great time to assess where you are in your business. Right before the ball dropped you probably made a few resolutions that you swore you would stick with this year.  These are the changes to your lifestyle or your business that you have been meaning to start since the...
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Being a house flipper is very much like running a separate business. Even if you know what you are doing it often takes a full time commitment to be successful.  The perks of flipping houses are plentiful but you need to know exactly what you are getting into before you get very far.  Without knowledge...
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Generally speaking real estate investing success does not happen overnight. There are occasional exceptions to the rule but typically there is a process to the business.  One of the ways to keep your business going is by constantly funding it with capital.  Increased capital opens up the door to new ways of marketing and lead...
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The end of the year is a popular time to take inventory of your business. With the Christmas holiday there is usually plenty of opportunity to reflect on where your business has been over the past twelve months.  It can be a pretty eye opening exercise looking back at where you were just twelve months...
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It seems like everyone in business is in a rush to do things as quickly as possible. If success doesn’t happen within the first few months your business may feel behind the eight ball.  The reality is that growing a business takes time.  It is quite rare that you will be flooded with deals upon...
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