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Home Buying
In many areas the local rental market is outperforming the housing market. This continues what has been a trend that has been going on for the better part of the last decade. While increased demand has helped find tenants, increased competition is making it difficult keep them. Tenants have more rental options today than ever...
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The adage about the importance of location still rings true in the world of real estate investing. The strength of any deal is largely based on the strength of the market it is located in. You can be offered a deep discount on a property in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn’t necessarily mean...
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Numbers should drive everything you do in real estate. If the numbers don’t work, as difficult as it may be, you need to walk away. There are plenty of numbers that alone won’t move the needle too much but added up can have a significant impact. These seemingly hidden figures are especially prevalent in the...
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Having a good deal fall on your lap is only beneficial if you know what to do with it. There will be times in your business when you will be presented with what appears to be a solid deal. Without even thinking you rush to take ownership with the intention of just figuring it out...
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You never know when you will come across a deal that doesn’t quite fit with what you are looking to do. When these types of deals come your way, it is important that you can still find ways to generate income from them. One of the ways to earn is by wholesaling them to a...
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Unless you have been living under a rock for the last decade you are aware of the impact foreclosures have had on the real estate market. Fortunately, things have improved dramatically since the market collapsed but there are still foreclosure deals available. One of the big misconceptions is that all foreclosure deals are alike. The...
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Do you want to be a rehabber but don’t know how to operate an electric screwdriver? As crazy as it may sound you don’t need to be a handy person to be a rehabber. Sure, it is a help but far from a prerequisite in getting started. There are many rehabbers all over the country...
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If you are considering getting involved in real estate you need to have a plan. Your plan doesn’t need to be elaborate or even overly formal but you should have some sense of where you want your business to go.  Where most investors get in trouble is thinking they know the business simply by watching...
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Not every rehab and flip deal you get involved in will be successful. With poor planning and unrealistic numbers you can and sometimes will lose money.  As much as investors don’t want to hear this they need to recognize the possibility.  All it takes is a few small mistakes to turn a profitable looking property...
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It seems like everyone wants to be involved in real estate. You probably have a Great Uncle, co-worker or someone you went to school with talk to you about investing in real estate.  You may have even discussed all the success you could have and maybe even a little about how you would go about...
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