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Home Buying
As a real estate investor it often gets lost that you are actually running a business. Like any other business you need to stay on top of market trends, numbers and lead generation.  By focusing too much on any particular niche or individual deal eventually you will find yourself in trouble.  The best investors are...
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Finding good deals is the key to a successful real estate business. Where and how you find these deals is entirely up to you.  Instead of relying on the same sources as every other investor it is important to come up with ideas that are unique to you.  The less competition for deals the better...
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There is a notion among rental property owners that the more things they can do the more money they are saving. While this may work for some items it does not apply to every aspect of the property.  With every task you perform there is something that must be sacrificed.  In many cases what you...
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Everything in real estate starts with obtaining financing. This is the case whether you are a first time homebuyer or a seasoned investor.  How the property is financed often dictates how the rest of the transaction will go.  Purchases backed by hard or private money can be closed in as little as ten days with...
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There are always plenty of unknowns with any new business. Investing in real estate is no different.  There are many new investors who feel they have an idea of what they are in for based solely on what they see on TV.  After they get started they quickly realize that their vision doesn’t match reality. ...
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There are pros and cons to almost everything in real estate. One segment of investors will tell you that multifamily rental properties are the only way to go.  Another camp will tell you that they are more trouble than they are worth and you should be focusing on single family properties.  The reality lies somewhere...
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There is a lot to consider when buying your first investment property.  In addition to finding the right market you also need to know what you want from the property.  By starting with the end in mind it will help guide you every step of the way.  Knowing your property goals will also give you...
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There is a lot to consider before making an offer. In the excitement of finding a good property and working on a new deal it is easy to get overzealous.  You want the deal so badly that you may lose track of what is really important.  The goal of any investor is not to accumulate...
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As a real estate investor you are in charge of your own business.  It is no different than any other type of self-employment.  You make the rules, create the culture and shape which areas of the business you want to focus on.  As great as this sounds not everyone is cut out for this type...
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The goal of any real estate investor is to convert leads into deals. How well you do this often separates you from every other investor in your area.  It is not enough to state your case and hope for the best.  There is a certain way of talking to sellers that gives you the best...
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