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Home Buying
The first year for any new business is the most important. What you do in the first twelve months will often set the tone for the next decade plus.  If you can get past the startup period you will be well on your way to success. Surviving this period is as much about having the...
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When you find a property you really want you need to go the extra mile to get it. It can be very demoralizing tracking a property for months only to have it end up with someone else.  In most cases buyers who know how to negotiate best end up with more deals.  Successful negotiation doesn’t...
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There have been many changes to the real estate business over the last fifteen years. In the past if you want to buy a property you most likely used one of the many conventional loan programs there were offered.  You also need to lean on your local real estate agent to find good deals and...
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To be a great real estate investor you need to follow rules. The rules you create will help guide you in everything you do.  Without rules it is easy to jump at every new property that hits the market.  Without a set of defined rules you can end up with properties that aren’t really profitable. ...
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It is difficult to have success in real estate without a good plan. You can have the best intentions and be motivated to succeed but if you don’t know where you are going you will eventually get lost. Investing in real estate is very much like starting a new business. You should have an idea...
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The most successful real estate investors are able to convert deals with motivated sellers. These are the deals with sellers who are going to close with somebody and that person has to be you.  They may be facing foreclosure, short sale, probate, divorce or have some other reason for wanting and needing to close quickly. ...
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There is a lot that goes into buying a home. This is the case whether you plan on living in the property or using it as an investment.  What most veteran homebuyers know is that the list price is not the amount you end up spending.  Between property taxes, insurance and miscellaneous closing costs this...
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The first step of any real estate deal is securing financing. Any grand real estate plans you have are based on your available capital. It will directly impact the market you choose, the purchase price, repair budget and everything about your transaction. One of the most common complaints in the investing business is the inability...
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There is no better way to reach potential sellers than through direct mail. As powerful as social media currently is not every homeowner is connected all of the time. With direct mail you have a much better chance at actually reaching the people you really want to target. The most successful direct mail campaigns typically...
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The hardest part of starting anything is taking the first step. If you are reading this you have probably committed to investing in real estate but aren’t quite sure how to do it. You may know some of the various options but are nervous to commit to anything. This is a natural reaction and all...
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