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Home Buying
Warming weather is a usually a sign that summer is right around the corner. For many real estate investors this signals the start of their vacation rental property season.  Even if they have found tenants the last few months their peak season is typically May to September.  How well they do in these few months...
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There are more loan financing options than ever before. Between hard money, private money and personal capital it is easy to forget about traditional lender financing.  Even though banks have gotten a bad rap over the years they are still a very attractive financing option.  The near record low interest rates alone make them a...
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There is more than one way to invest in real estate. One of the most intimidating hurdles in the real estate world is taking the leap to multifamily investing.  The common thought is that with increased units comes increased risk.  The reality is that the opposite is often the case.  Sure, multifamily properties can be...
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There are hundreds of short sale deals being closed every day. What was once the most popular real estate investing niche has managed to remain relevant in recent years.  While the deep discounts are not as abundant there are still many good deals to be had.  Like any other real estate deal the key is...
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The best real estate investors understand the importance of a keeping a full pipeline. Closing a deal today is great only if you can find ways to build on that momentum.  In almost any market there are motivated sellers.  The key is to constantly strive for ways to find them.  One of the misconceptions in...
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These are the golden rules of real estate that will keep you safe and in the green… There are a lot of ‘rules’, strategies, and philosophies thrown around the real estate world. Some of them are helpful, others can be counterproductive. Then there is this set of core golden rules. If you can only pack...
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Kickstart your real estate career and launch yourself to success with a bang! Whether still learning about real estate investing, or working on getting your real estate license there is plenty to do to get setup and running. You do not have to wait to get started on these items. You shouldn’t wait on most...
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How can investors turn today’s ripe real estate lemons into financial lemonade? There is a new crop of ‘lemon’ properties ripening out there. This low hanging fruit can actually be extremely profitable for the entrepreneurial property investor that recognizes the opportunity, and squeezes it. Beyond Legacy Foreclosures There are still a significant amount of foreclosures...
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How can more aspiring real estate investors thrust themselves into action and achieve their dreams? Even knowing the big benefits of real estate, knowing you absolutely need it to survive, and having gained some real estate education simply isn’t enough to move some aspiring real estate investors to the action they need to take. It...
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Where are the best places for today’s location independent real estate investors, agents and CEOs to work at? Remote working is pushing through tipping point to becoming the way the majority individuals will work and run organizations. Perhaps there will be a revival and new trend in returning to factories and corralling individuals into physical...
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