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Real estate investing has undergone numerous changes in the past two decades. Perhaps the biggest change is with the number of part time investors.  For years a majority of real estate investors entered the business on a full time basis.  This was not just a hobby but a career.  In recent years there has been...
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There is a lot that goes into buying a great investment property. It takes a combination of due diligence and hard work in several different areas.  If you let your guard down in any area along the way you open yourself up to trouble.  One mistake with an investment property can end up costing you...
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There are hundreds of short sale deals being closed every day. What was once the most popular real estate investing niche has managed to remain relevant in recent years.  While the deep discounts are not as abundant there are still many good deals to be had.  Like any other real estate deal the key is...
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There is tremendous potential currently in the rehab property market. What makes this area so appealing is that you don’t need a license or certificate to get started.  One day you can be sitting at your cubicle and the next the owner of an investment property.  As popular as rehabbing is there are a few...
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These are the golden rules of real estate that will keep you safe and in the green… There are a lot of ‘rules’, strategies, and philosophies thrown around the real estate world. Some of them are helpful, others can be counterproductive. Then there is this set of core golden rules. If you can only pack...
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How can real estate investors overcome this year’s top challenges and invest successfully? Make no mistake; there will always be challenges, and bumps on the road to where you want to go. So what are some of those hurdles holding back new investors from getting started, and the experienced from breaking through their goals this...
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How can investors turn today’s ripe real estate lemons into financial lemonade? There is a new crop of ‘lemon’ properties ripening out there. This low hanging fruit can actually be extremely profitable for the entrepreneurial property investor that recognizes the opportunity, and squeezes it. Beyond Legacy Foreclosures There are still a significant amount of foreclosures...
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Hop on these Easter real estate marketing ideas and smash through to your goals… Easter is coming, and it’s bringing a big opportunity for real estate investors, agents, business owners, and even homeowners that have been looking for a boost in marketing and selling homes. For some this will be a pivotal weekend for thawing...
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Why do only 20 percent of aspiring real estate investors achieve success? There is one differentiating factor that divides the wannabes from the success stories. Sadly, it is the confusion around what this is that holds so many more back. So what is it that separates the few winners in real estate from everyone else? How...
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Want more real estate clients and deals this year? It may be time for an unconventional approach… If what you have been doing hasn’t been producing the deals and dollars you need to hit your goals, or you just know you need to find a way to stand out from the competition, it might be...
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