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home improvement
Environmental awareness isn’t just a major talking point these days – it’s also a major selling point. If you’re listing your real estate investment on the market, taking some steps to make your home eco-friendly could wind up earning you a lot more green when it comes time to close the sale. Here are five...
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If you're into rehabbing properties, you'll eventually come across a real estate investment whose plumbing needs a little TLC. While major work should be left to the professionals, fixing a few leaky pipes yourself is easier than it looks, and it's a great way to pull your property value out of the basement. Here are...
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Does your house feel more cramped than cozy? Are those mauve walls driving you mad? Then it’s time to give your real estate investment a much-needed facelift. Although renovating or rehabbing properties can be expensive, especially in this economy, there are a few tricks you can use to make that old house look new without...
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Flipping houses can be a very profitable business, but it can also get dangerous if the right precautions aren’t taken. When rehabbing properties, falling objects, exposed wiring and heavy appliances all present hazards that can land you in the hospital and put you weeks behind schedule. Here are four ways you can make sure that...
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Flipping houses isn’t easy to begin with, but it only gets harder if you wait until the fall to start your major renovations. While you can still turn around that real estate investment for a profit, there are some seasonal hazards that you should watch out for. Here are a few:
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If you’re selling your home on a tight budget, there's no need to break the bank to raise your property value. There are a handful of projects you can do for free, all of which will go a long way towards hooking a buyer. Here are a few of them:
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Since the goal of flipping houses is to sell your real estate investment for more than it costs to rehabilitate it, many people try to minimize expenses as much as possible. However, sometimes it’s better to spend the money in order to raise your house’s property value as high as it can go. Here are...
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Selling a home in the fall means dealing with challenging weather and temperatures that may negatively impact your curb appeal. If you want to make your real estate investment profitable, you need to make sure the outside of your home looks more appealing than ever. Here are four ways you can your boost your property’s...
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The new school year is under way, and now that the kids are occupied, you can use your free time to get your home ready for the fall. There’s a lot of work to be done to make sure your house is ready for the changing seasons, but it will go quickly if you pace...
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If you're interested in flipping homes, chances are you've read a ton of real estate flipping tips and learned the best ways to increase your property value. One great way to add thousands of dollars onto the property value of a home is to make major renovations. However, you'll want to be absolutely certain that...
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