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home selling
One of the most popular questions in the real estate community is “how do I get started as an investor?” There are thousands of would be investors all across the country who want to dive right into the business but aren’t exactly sure where to start.  They may have read a few books, watched a...
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As a fix and flip investor your work isn’t done until you sell the property. You can do everything right along the way but the payoff only happens when you find an end buyer.  Getting to this point can be very stressful.  Your business may be in a holding pattern until you can unload the...
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Generally speaking real estate investing success does not happen overnight. There are occasional exceptions to the rule but typically there is a process to the business.  One of the ways to keep your business going is by constantly funding it with capital.  Increased capital opens up the door to new ways of marketing and lead...
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The way business is conducted has changed dramatically over the years. No longer do you need a dedicated office space if you want to establish a business.  With all of the increases in technology you can stay connected to anybody at any time.  You can work just as effectively lounging by the pool as you...
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As a house flipper your job isn’t over until the property is sold. You can do great rehab work but until you are at the closing table there is still more to be done.  Every day that you own the property you are on the hook for the carrying costs and other expenses.  It is...
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Business has changed dramatically over the past decade. It wasn’t that long ago that if you wanted to run a business you needed a dedicated office.  Over the past few years technology has completely changed where, when and even how you run a business.  Gone is the need for an office and everything in it. ...
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Are you thinking about investing in real estate? If you are reading this you are off to a great start. However now is when the real work begins.  You can’t just dive right in and make offers on every new property you see.  You need to think about investing in real estate like running a...
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There are a handful of subtle things you should be doing if you are selling your property. Some of these are common sense but all of them can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. Even in a seller’s market, it is not enough to list your home and wait for the offers to...
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The goal of any real estate investor is to convert leads into deals. How well you do this often separates you from every other investor in your area.  It is not enough to state your case and hope for the best.  There is a certain way of talking to sellers that gives you the best...
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The first year for any new business is the most important. What you do in the first twelve months will often set the tone for the next decade plus.  If you can get past the startup period you will be well on your way to success. Surviving this period is as much about having the...
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