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home selling
There have been many changes to the real estate business over the last fifteen years. In the past if you want to buy a property you most likely used one of the many conventional loan programs there were offered.  You also need to lean on your local real estate agent to find good deals and...
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It is difficult to have success in real estate without a good plan. You can have the best intentions and be motivated to succeed but if you don’t know where you are going you will eventually get lost. Investing in real estate is very much like starting a new business. You should have an idea...
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Real estate investing has exploded in recent years. Everyday there are thousands of new investors all across the country.  The hard reality is that not every new investor is going to be successful.  Without proper education and action many will have trouble getting off the ground.  What many new investors fail to grasp is that...
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The most successful real estate investors are able to convert deals with motivated sellers. These are the deals with sellers who are going to close with somebody and that person has to be you.  They may be facing foreclosure, short sale, probate, divorce or have some other reason for wanting and needing to close quickly. ...
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There is a lot that goes into buying a home. This is the case whether you plan on living in the property or using it as an investment.  What most veteran homebuyers know is that the list price is not the amount you end up spending.  Between property taxes, insurance and miscellaneous closing costs this...
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Growing your referral base has never been easier. Between social media and the ability to find almost anybody on line your reach is as large as it has ever been.  How well you take advantage of these tools goes a long way in determining your investing success.  Having a large referral base not only makes...
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If you invest in real estate long enough what you will find is that there are many differing opinions on what works and what doesn’t. If you ask ten investors if a condo is a good investment half of them will say absolutely not while the other half would be open to the idea. Like...
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One of the most popular debates in the real estate community is whether or not to obtain your real estate license. For every investor who says it doesn’t have an impact there is another who will tell you how it has transformed their career. Like most everything else in real estate it depends on your...
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All good investors rely on lead generation. You can do everything else right but without new leads coming in your business won’t get very far. One of the most common excuses that new investors make is not having enough money to spend on marketing. The reality is that you don’t need a lot of money...
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There are many stages to a successful real estate flip. Most investors feel that once they complete the work on the property their job is over.  In many respects the job is only just beginning.  You can do everything right from start to finish but you still need to get your property sold.  Selling for...
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