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home selling
It is easy getting caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle of your real estate business. Unexpected tasks always seem to pop up at the worst possible times.  Before you know it you spend all day trying to accomplish one single item.  This is a way of life for many investors.  Instead of focusing...
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Real estate investing has undergone numerous changes in the past two decades. Perhaps the biggest change is with the number of part time investors.  For years a majority of real estate investors entered the business on a full time basis.  This was not just a hobby but a career.  In recent years there has been...
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There are more loan financing options than ever before. Between hard money, private money and personal capital it is easy to forget about traditional lender financing.  Even though banks have gotten a bad rap over the years they are still a very attractive financing option.  The near record low interest rates alone make them a...
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It wasn’t too long ago that buy and hold rentals were the most popular form of real estate investing. While the popularity of this niche has declined in recent years it is still as profitable as ever.  Finding the right rental property in the right market can supply the perfect mix of short term monthly...
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There are hundreds of short sale deals being closed every day. What was once the most popular real estate investing niche has managed to remain relevant in recent years.  While the deep discounts are not as abundant there are still many good deals to be had.  Like any other real estate deal the key is...
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The best real estate investors understand the importance of a keeping a full pipeline. Closing a deal today is great only if you can find ways to build on that momentum.  In almost any market there are motivated sellers.  The key is to constantly strive for ways to find them.  One of the misconceptions in...
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There is tremendous potential currently in the rehab property market. What makes this area so appealing is that you don’t need a license or certificate to get started.  One day you can be sitting at your cubicle and the next the owner of an investment property.  As popular as rehabbing is there are a few...
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These are the golden rules of real estate that will keep you safe and in the green… There are a lot of ‘rules’, strategies, and philosophies thrown around the real estate world. Some of them are helpful, others can be counterproductive. Then there is this set of core golden rules. If you can only pack...
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There is nothing that can bring your business down quicker than excessive debt. You may be able to manage it for a while but the slightest reduction of income will cause the air to come out of the balloon.  If you are like most business owners, and Americans in general, you deal with debt.  If...
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Selling a home? Which offer will you accept? When you put your home up for sale you’ll attract all types of offers. The most notable difference between these offers is normally financing, and how buyers intend to pay for their purchase. So what types of bids might you get? Which are the best choices for...
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