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How can real estate investors overcome this year’s top challenges and invest successfully? Make no mistake; there will always be challenges, and bumps on the road to where you want to go. So what are some of those hurdles holding back new investors from getting started, and the experienced from breaking through their goals this...
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How can investors turn today’s ripe real estate lemons into financial lemonade? There is a new crop of ‘lemon’ properties ripening out there. This low hanging fruit can actually be extremely profitable for the entrepreneurial property investor that recognizes the opportunity, and squeezes it. Beyond Legacy Foreclosures There are still a significant amount of foreclosures...
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Rental properties are a great way to build your long term investing portfolio. Not only can they provide monthly cash flow but they offer long term appreciation potential.  As high as the upside is not every property will be a home run.  Purchasing the wrong property in the wrong market will do much more harm...
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How can more aspiring real estate investors thrust themselves into action and achieve their dreams? Even knowing the big benefits of real estate, knowing you absolutely need it to survive, and having gained some real estate education simply isn’t enough to move some aspiring real estate investors to the action they need to take. It...
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There are many different ways to invest in real estate. When new investors think about making their first purchase they usually think about properties exclusively in their local market.  Large contingents of investors never stray outside of their immediate area.  However there are times and situations when an out of state property makes an attractive...
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Have an idea for a real estate niche? How do you test it and secure your success before you start? Having a niche is important for all real estate businesses, entrepreneurs, agents, and investors. Even real estate giants that appear to market to everyone actually have their own niches, or started with one. Zillow’s niche...
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Need more ideas for real estate content? Original content continues to be crucial to success in the real estate industry. Creating great content, fresh content, and doing it consistently on a daily basis can also be one of the biggest challenges for many Realtors, real estate investors, and businesses. So where do all the great...
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How much should real estate pros be investing in their marketing? Many real estate investors, agents, and businesses may be limiting their potential, and dampening their conversion rates by failing to invest enough in their marketing. So how much should individual professionals and property companies be spending in this area? How do you pinpoint the...
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Want to grow your real estate business, investment performance, wealth, and deal volume this year? Check out these six must-dos… With the exception of organic equity appreciation gains in real estate don’t just happen by themselves. If real estate investors, agents, and CEOs just keep doing the same thing as last year, it’s likely they’ll just...
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Open houses still rock for selling real estate. Here’s how to make the most out of yours… While many real estate professionals have slacked on open houses in the last few years, they can still be one of the most powerful tools for marketing and selling homes, and generating high volumes of real estate leads....
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