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increase property value
Every homeowner likes making their house unique, but it’s not always good to stand out. Sometimes what you think gives your home character will actually drive down your property value when you list your house on the market. Here are four odd threats to your sticker price you should be aware of:
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Does your house feel more cramped than cozy? Are those mauve walls driving you mad? Then it’s time to give your real estate investment a much-needed facelift. Although renovating or rehabbing properties can be expensive, especially in this economy, there are a few tricks you can use to make that old house look new without...
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Property value makes a huge difference when you're trying to sell a home, particularly in Connecticut. Although there are new homes available in the state, most homes are older properties that have been renovated to suit modern buyers' tastes. If you're selling a home in Connecticut, try a few of these simple tips to increase...
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A few simple changes may be all your San Diego home needs to drastically increase its property value. Whether you're interested in flipping real estate as a business venture or simply to increase the property value of your own home, you can quickly and easily make some simple changes that have a huge impact.
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