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investing tips
As a house flipper your job isn’t over until the property is sold. You can do great rehab work but until you are at the closing table there is still more to be done.  Every day that you own the property you are on the hook for the carrying costs and other expenses.  It is...
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Everything in real estate starts with obtaining financing. This is the case whether you are a first time homebuyer or a seasoned investor.  How the property is financed often dictates how the rest of the transaction will go.  Purchases backed by hard or private money can be closed in as little as ten days with...
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The effectiveness of your marketing campaigns often defines the success of your investing business. Without a steady flow of leads constantly coming in you won’t have deals to work on.  A lack of deals causes a decrease in motivation which prevents you from being able to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.  Instead...
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If investing in rehab properties is your focus a quality contractor is essential. A good contractor will improve your bottom line and help get your projects done as quickly as possible.  Conversely a poor contractor will make every day on the property feel like a nightmare.  As wonderful as finding the right contractor is it...
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The real estate business if full of action oriented individuals. Anyone can have a good thought but few spend the time and effort putting it into action.  Without action your business will not get too far off the ground.  If there is something holding you back you need to get to the bottom of exactly...
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With the real estate market improving in many areas demand for real estate is on the rise. It seems that anyone who has ever watched a home flipping show on TV thinks they can make money in real estate.  While the business is certainly open to anyone that doesn’t mean it is easy.  If you...
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If you are in business long enough eventually you will fail at something. Often times it is not the mistake that hurts you but how you react to it. It is natural, and almost expected, for your business to stub their toe at some point along the way.  In fact if you do not fail...
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Investing in real estate is often a high risk/high reward scenario. All it takes is one oversight either on the property or the numbers to completely change the deal.  In order to know exactly what you are getting into you need to do your homework.  Due diligence may not be as exciting as finding financing...
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There is more to the real estate investing business than just the numbers. To become a better investor you need to focus on the little things in your business that can help define your success.  What successful investors have figured out is that the better you are at time management, dealing with people and staying...
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Negotiation is a big part of the real estate investing business. It has a direct impact on everything from getting your offer accepted to getting someone to work on your schedule.  As important as it is there is a large segment of investors who aren’t comfortable negotiating. They understand the philosophy behind negotiating but don’t...
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