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investing tips
Owning a rental property and collecting rent checks is one of the best aspects of real estate investing. As great as being a landlord is it is far from easy.  There is a lot that goes into owning a rental property.  Between finding a good property, good tenants and putting a good team in place...
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The most successful real estate investors are able to convert deals with motivated sellers. These are the deals with sellers who are going to close with somebody and that person has to be you.  They may be facing foreclosure, short sale, probate, divorce or have some other reason for wanting and needing to close quickly. ...
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Pulling off a successful rehab project is a lot more difficult than most investors imagine. You need to find the perfect mix of the right property coupled with the right improvements.  All the while you need to keep an eye on the budget and deliver quality work.  When everything works there are plenty of profits...
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There are still thousands of properties out there owned by banks. Even though most of their portfolio was reduced after the mortgage collapse there is new inventory created every day. Every time a property goes into foreclosure and doesn’t sell the bank retains that property.  As most investors know banks are not in the business...
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Owning a rental property is one of the best ways to accumulate both short and long term wealth. However, owning a rental property alone doesn’t guarantee a positive return.  The best owners take an active approach in improving their property.  Without constant maintenance and upgrades even the best properties slowly deteriorate.  When they do instead...
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One of the first things that most new businesses do is develop a website. The real estate investing business is no different. A good website will give you a decided advantage over your investing competition.  However it is not enough to simply throw a few pages together and wait for traffic to roll in.  Your...
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There is a lot that goes into buying a home. This is the case whether you plan on living in the property or using it as an investment.  What most veteran homebuyers know is that the list price is not the amount you end up spending.  Between property taxes, insurance and miscellaneous closing costs this...
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Growing your referral base has never been easier. Between social media and the ability to find almost anybody on line your reach is as large as it has ever been.  How well you take advantage of these tools goes a long way in determining your investing success.  Having a large referral base not only makes...
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There are many different ways to invest in real estate. If you are not careful it is easy to experiment with as many of these options as you can find. While there is nothing wrong with a little trial and error without a firm plan in place you will end up constantly chasing your tail....
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There is a lot that goes into a successful direct mail campaign. It is not enough to fire off thousands of letters to a random group of people and wait for your phone to ring.  For as beneficial as direct mail can be it can also cripple your business if you are not careful.  You...
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