One of the major components in a successful house flip is properly estimating your after-repair value. You can do great work on the property but if you are off the mark with your ARV the deal won’t be as successful as you anticipated. Experienced rehabbers understand that simply making improvements doesn’t always increase the value....Read More
There are legitimate pros and cons to almost every action you take in business. If you talk to ten people, five will be staunchly in favor of your action and the other five will have a completely different opinion. Thus is the case with property management. There is no disputing the value of a dedicated...Read More
You don’t need to invest full time to be a success in real estate. There are many investors who have kept their full-time job while balancing a budding investing career. This can be difficult initially, but over time it becomes part of your regular routine. The best way to ease the transition is by planning...Read More
In most markets the demand for quality rentals continues to remain strong. Over the past decade there has been a steady increase in rental property ownership and rental property demand. Just one cash flow producing rental property can completely change your portfolio for the better. For every tenant horror story you hear there are a...Read More
Numbers should drive everything you do in real estate. If the numbers don’t work, as difficult as it may be, you need to walk away. There are plenty of numbers that alone won’t move the needle too much but added up can have a significant impact. These seemingly hidden figures are especially prevalent in the...Read More
Regardless if you close a deal a month or a handful a year it is important to have a specific investing niche. Many investors think that being a jack of all trades and investing in numerous different areas of the business is a hidden key to a strong portfolio. While this is true over time...Read More
Having a good deal fall on your lap is only beneficial if you know what to do with it. There will be times in your business when you will be presented with what appears to be a solid deal. Without even thinking you rush to take ownership with the intention of just figuring it out...Read More
Your ability to speak in public is an essential, yet underrated, aspect of running a business. When most people think of public speaking they think of talking to a room full of hundreds of people. You may get to this point over time but public speaking for you can mean talking to dozen people at...Read More
The real estate investing business is more than numbers and properties. You can spend your days studying charts and looking at trends but if you don’t do the little things it doesn’t make a difference. Every investor should treat their investing like a business. With this, there are a few important principals that should guide...Read More
There are real estate opportunities in every corner of the country. One of the things that makes real estate investing so great is that you are not confined to your local market. If there is opportunity sixty miles from where you live there is nothing stopping you from pursuing it. Across the country there are...Read More