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investing tips
It seems like everyone in business is in a rush to do things as quickly as possible. If success doesn’t happen within the first few months your business may feel behind the eight ball.  The reality is that growing a business takes time.  It is quite rare that you will be flooded with deals upon...
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All lender financing is not created equally. There can be a huge difference in the type of available programs and guidelines when financing just one extra unit.  It may not seem like much but going from a two family to a three can mean as much as an extra 10% down payment.  It also has...
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When is the last time you looked at your credit report? If you are even remotely involved in the real estate business the answer should be within the last thirty days.  If you are not on top of your credit report you run the risk of having to deal with unexpected issues when you least...
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Most real estate investors are in a constant search of their next deal. Even if they have projects they are currently working on they usually have one eye on the future.  There are times when this quest for a new deal leads them to places they don’t want to be.  They begin entertaining deals, properties...
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Starting a new business is full of unexpected challenges. Knowing exactly the right path to take is always a bit of a mystery.  Even if things don’t end up going your way you never want to have any regrets.  You can live with mistakes but regrets will eat you alive.  One of the things that...
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Real estate investing is one of the best careers you can possibly have. Sure, this may be a little biased but it also happens to be true.  Investing in real estate gives you the ability to make your own schedule as well as the chance to generate unlimited income.  There is no boss telling you...
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The best real estate investors typically surround themselves with the best team. They understand that in business you are only as good as the people around you.  One of the key members of any investing team is a real estate agent.  Finding the right agent gives you access to more deals as well as the...
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We are officially under 40 days until we turn on page on another year. While that may seem hard to believe it will be hear sooner than you realize.  If you are like most people you look at the New Year as a time to make tweaks or changes to your business and personal lives. ...
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A well performing rental property can completely change your portfolio.  Not only will you be able to take advantage of strong monthly cash flow returns but you can build a base for the future.  As appealing as this sounds getting there can be a different story.  There are many hurdles and pitfalls to becoming a...
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As we quickly approach Thanksgiving the end of the year is right around the corner. With this often comes holiday parties, excessive days off and a general lull in the real estate market.  In real estate this can present a great opportunity to buy.  With your competition mailing the rest of the year in you...
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