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There is nothing greater in life than enjoying success with friends and family. As great as the highs of these moments can be there is another side to that coin.  What if things go wrong?  Many investors are steadfastly against investing with people they know because of all the potential issues it can create. They...
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There are two types of mistakes in the real estate business: minor errors you can learn from and those that can cripple your business. While it is always helpful learning on the job you never want to make a mistake that sets you and your business back.  All it takes is one bad mistake to...
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The hardest part of starting anything is taking the first step. If you are reading this you have probably committed to investing in real estate but aren’t quite sure how to do it. You may know some of the various options but are nervous to commit to anything. This is a natural reaction and all...
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A real estate partnership is one of the best ways to grow your investing business. In areas where you may be lacking a partner can help pick up the slack. Not only can a partner directly lead to more deals but they can also make your life that much easier.  As beneficial as a partner...
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Everyone wants to be a rehabber. If you turn on your TV almost any night you can find a show dedicated to flipping and rehabbing. Some of these shows provide valuable insight as to what it takes to make it in the business.  Others do not show always show an accurate description of what the...
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There is much more to investing in real estate than finding properties to pursue. Where many investors slip up is not recognizing the importance of staying on top of every area of their business.  As cliché as it sounds you need to treat your investing like the business it is.  This means keeping a constant...
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Good tenants are the backbone for any successful rental property. You can have the best property in a great location but if your tenants are poor it won’t make a difference.  In many cases the better you are as a landlord the better your tenants will be.  There are several little things that you can...
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It is easy getting caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle of your real estate business. Unexpected tasks always seem to pop up at the worst possible times.  Before you know it you spend all day trying to accomplish one single item.  This is a way of life for many investors.  Instead of focusing...
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There is a lot that goes into buying a great investment property. It takes a combination of due diligence and hard work in several different areas.  If you let your guard down in any area along the way you open yourself up to trouble.  One mistake with an investment property can end up costing you...
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It takes great management to run a successful rental property. One of the most important aspects of rental property management is avoiding vacancies.  Every month that rental income is not coming in directly costs you money.  In most cases these vacancies can be avoided with proper marketing.  There are several little things that you can...
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