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Behind any good real estate investor is a reliable contractor. Whether your business is built on flipping houses or buying investment properties, a quality contractor is essential. They will help keep your project moving in the right direction and cut off potential problems before they get too big. They will handle everything from simple maintenance...
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In the world of real estate, you never know where your next big opportunity will come from. You may invest a certain way for years and then out of the blue be presented with something more appealing, and profitable. It is important to keep an open mind and be willing to at least explore every...
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You can do everything right on six consecutive deals but if you are sloppy with the due diligence on the seventh, the consequences could be severe. As basic as it sounds, it is important to always keep the flow of profits moving in the right direction. Making a small profit on a deal is always...
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It is important to recognize that real estate investing is a business. Like any other business there are systems, policies and procedures that must be followed. The biggest problem most new investors have is organization. Even if you only invest part time you need to stay on top of everything you are doing. Not only...
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There are many pieces to a successful real estate transaction. You need a good property, the right price, proper vision and most importantly, financing. Without capital to put your plan in motion, nothing else matters. Fortunately, there are more financing options today than ever before. No longer do you need to solely rely on traditional...
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With any business, the goal should be to constantly take incremental steps forward. If you can scratch out even a small profit on every deal you will ultimately be ahead of the game. As a real estate investor, you are faced with a handful of important decisions daily. Without even knowing it at the time...
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It is hard to believe that 2019 is just a few weeks away. It seems like only yesterday we were in the middle of spring and starting to think about summer. The reality is that the clock doesn’t stop, and the calendar often moves quicker than we would like. If you are like most people...
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One of the most popular questions in the real estate community is “how do I get started?” Every day there is a new investor out there looking to enter the wonderful world of real estate but doesn’t quite know how to do it. If you are fresh out of college or looking for your first...
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Getting a good deal on a rehab property is not enough to ensure a profit. If you buy in the wrong market it truly won’t matter how low your offer is. Prior to making an offer, or even exploring a property, there are a handful of key items you need to do your homework on....
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On the surface, being a landlord seems pretty simple. You find a tenant and wait for the first of every month for rent checks to pour in. At the end of the lease you repeat the process and start all over again. Anyone who owns rental property knows this isn’t exactly how things work. There...
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