There are ups and downs in every business. As a real estate investor some days you feel like you are on top of the world and others you wonder why you are in the business. What keeps you going during the down times is having the right mindset. Not only do you need to acknowledge...Read More
The real estate business if full of action oriented individuals. Anyone can have a good thought but few spend the time and effort putting it into action. Without action your business will not get too far off the ground. If there is something holding you back you need to get to the bottom of exactly...Read More
A well-defined brand can completely change your business. Instead of having to search for a niche or struggling with an identity the right brand will give you a leg up on your competition. You will instantly be recognizable to real estate agents, sellers, buyers and fellow investors in your area. You will become the go...Read More
The mind is a very powerful thing. It influences how you think about a deal and how you feel about a new contact. It can push you to work hard in times of struggle or throw in the towel when faced with adversity. In the world of real estate the right mindset is essential. Investing...Read More