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Starting a new business is full of unexpected challenges. Knowing exactly the right path to take is always a bit of a mystery.  Even if things don’t end up going your way you never want to have any regrets.  You can live with mistakes but regrets will eat you alive.  One of the things that...
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The first 100 days in any business are important. They set the tone for where your business is and where you want it to go. It is not a stretch to say that every decision you make during this time is critical.  In the world of real estate it can be the difference in finding...
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With the real estate market improving in many areas demand for real estate is on the rise. It seems that anyone who has ever watched a home flipping show on TV thinks they can make money in real estate.  While the business is certainly open to anyone that doesn’t mean it is easy.  If you...
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If you are in business long enough eventually you will fail at something. Often times it is not the mistake that hurts you but how you react to it. It is natural, and almost expected, for your business to stub their toe at some point along the way.  In fact if you do not fail...
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All real estate investors make mistakes. In fact if you have not made a mistake you probably aren’t as involved in the business as you need to be.  One of the biggest fears for new and old investors alike is the fear of failure.  In some cases this fear paralyzes them to the point where...
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Last month the median sales price of existing homes in the United States rose for the 48th consecutive month. This increase has led to a boom in the popularity of real estate investing. It seems that almost everyone wants to flip houses or own a rental property. While the real estate business is available to...
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Rehabbing properties can be rewarding and a lot of fun but it can also be full of pitfalls. It should go without saying but you always have to anticipate that the costs will come in higher than expected and work will take longer than expected when it comes to rehabbing properties. As long as you...
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