If you want to ace the home loan process it pays to be prepared. While some sources report that it has become easier to obtain a mortgage loan, it is still far from as easy as it was 10 years ago. With the current rush to secure loans before interest rates go higher, lenders get...Read More
Are San Diego foreclosures really declining or is it all more statistical tricks, in an attempt to make the market look healthy? The latest round of figures from DataQuick and UT San Diego show a steep and steady decline in the local foreclosure rate. The figures show a 15% drop in notices of default being...Read More
New changes to the FHA streamline refinance program have just gone into effect, so is this a great mortgage option for you or just more hype for homeowners?Read More
Recent news of ex-homeowners eligible to receive up to $125k in compensation for unlawful foreclosures plus lost equity has many excited about the hopes of a big check on the way. So how should you spend yours?Read More
Want to get the best mortgage deal for buying a new home? You’ve heard its tougher to get a mortgage to buy a home today but there is financing available. Even though it may be more challenging to get a home loan today, with a little preparation you can ensure you get a great deal...Read More
Getting your mortgage application through underwriting can feel like starring in a sequel of Mission Impossible at the best of times but even more so lately. So is the underwriting department just messing with you?Read More
The news is currently flooded with stories about how hard it is to get a mortgage loan how poorly banks are doing and how it is likely that lending could get even tougher in the near future. However, there are still 100% financing options out there for those with limited down payments or who just...Read More